dBpowerAMP Music Converter 14.4

Illustrate - (Commercial Trial)

dBpowerAMP Music Converter converts audio files from one format to another allowing to even convert music directly from an audio CD too.

dBpowerAMP Music Converter is an indispensable utility for converting audio files from one format to another. The application is able to convert music directly from an audio CD too. The software can convert MP3, WAV, WMA, OGG VORBIS, REAL AUDIO, WINDOWS MEDIA AUDIO (WMA), VOC and VTX files.

dBpowerAMP Music Converter can apply some effects to enhance the rendering of songs like volume normalization. The program is very easy to use since you have to select the file to convert in Windows Explorer and choose the conversion from the context menu.

dBpowerAMP Music Converter also adds improved tooltip and a tab to the properties of audio documents in Windows. You will find the information contained in the tags without having to open a specific program.

The software offers the possibility to extract the contents of an audio CD. The backup is done directly in the desired size without any conversion, being possible to listen to music on portable media players.

Improving the quality of the files is feasible with integrated effects. It is an amplifier, graphic equalizer, among others. All effects are fully configurable and has its own GUI.

The application is optimized for use with a multi-core processor. This speeds up processing and avoid delays. It also has the ability to convert multiple files simultaneously with one click.

dBpowerAMP Music Converter 14.4
File Size:
6.9 MB
Windows (All Versions)
Commercial Trial
Date Added:
23 Feb 2013
MD5 Checksum:

* Allows multi item tags to be stored in non standard fields, for example Arranger Item1; Item2 would be split when stored into FLAC
* m4a tagging could set an Explicit or other rating by mistake
* m4a tagging would display a title of 'ABC/DEF' as 2 split titles
* mp3 tagging, better compatibility for ANSI & date with year
* mp3 tagging, standard compliant behavior that most software does not support is now opt-in
* mp3 tagging lyrics mapping fixed
* mp3 tagging 'initial key' implemented
* new command line -sourceisfloat for coreconverter.exe (also allows multi-encoder to send floating point to an encoder)
* AIFF tagging fix (could indicate file was corrupted)
* FLAC tagging bug fix, was writing ';' for comment when had multi-lines
* FLAC tagging METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE read as artwork (outside the flac tagging spec...)
* Bug Fixes
- [IF!EQUALS] was not working correctly
- Wave id3 tagging fix (where could write an extra byte to the end of the file, giving a warning on wave decode)
- Converting wave (LIST + id3 tagged file) >> wave would only write (id3 tag)
- m4a tag writer was inefficient when trying to trim a huge tag (image as base64, for example) down to the allowed 255 chars
- A badly corrupted FLAC file could cause the converter to terminate encode based on timeout, not reported errors
- CD ripper - if reading ISRC and was not present for a track, then track+1 would not have ISRC read either
- CD ripper, batch converter, would default their positions if moved to a certain display (on multi monitor systems)


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