Total Commander 8.50 beta 7

Christian Ghisler - (Shareware)

Total Commander offers an alternative to the Windows Explorer offering many useful and interesting features that makes it more preferred among the users.

Total Commander is a reference when it comes to management of the files and / folders.

Acting like a file browser, it can quite make the presentation and management of windows. The application includes many features such as copy, move, rename, drag and drop, delete (to trash or permanently) files or folders, connect to FTP servers, direct access to Network Neighborhood, and more. It is also possible to share a large file into several small to gather thereafter filer can handle RAR, ZIP or ACE, for example formats, is also present.

Total Commander can include limiting the transfer speed to avoid overloading your hard drive.

The dual display panel allows user to view two different directories , a benefit that is immediately captures the interest , including copying files .

The software also includes advanced features very valuable as the ability to synchronize two directories , search for duplicates , browsing in the archives (and with many formats unlike Windows that supports the ZIP standard) or the integration of a FTP manager . Plug- ins can be added, as OOSimple Viewer a viewer for the Apache OpenOffice .

Total Commander 8.50 beta 7
File Size:
3.5 MB
Windows (All Versions)
Date Added:
23 Oct 2013
Christian Ghisler
MD5 Checksum:

- Fixed: Closing or minimizing search dialog caused a stack overflow error on Windows 9x/ME (32)
- Fixed: Quick search with Chinese input not working when adding ideograms with ENTER (works with SPACE!) because the texts gets selected for some unknown reason (64)
- Added: Control overwrite behaviour in background transfer manager: wincmd.ini [Configuration] BackgroundCopyFlags=1: 0=never reset; 1=reset overwrite flags when list becomes empty; 2=reset overwrite flags each time a file or group of files is added to the list (32/64)
- Fixed: Checkbox overlap in Configuration - Options - Copy/Delete (32)
- Fixed: Using Win+Cursor down while copying, searching or synchronizing only minimized the copy dialog, not the main window (32/64)
- Fixed: Copy in background: When user closes TC and confirms to abort background transfers, give operations enough time to terminate before exiting (32/64)
- Fixed: Find files, duplicate file finder: Wrong encoding adding plugin fields via "+" button where the name contains accents (only when accent in the deepest menu level) (64)
- Added: Auto-install file for plugins (pluginst.inf) now supports version= field, which will be shown on a separate line in the auto-install dialog (32/64)
- Fixed: When renaming a folder on an FTP server, invalidate the cache of that folder and all subfolders, not just the base folder containing it (32/64)
- Fixed: Search, Feed to listbox, click on "\" or press Ctrl+R -> Always return to directory before the search, even when switching tabs before leaving the search results (32/64)
- Fixed: Pause during delete to recycle bin could cause error "CheckSynchronize called from non-main thread" (64)
- Fixed: Inplace rename failed (did nothing) when files were added in the other (inactive) panel while the rename box was active, e.g. downloads, and the cursor in the inactive panel was below the rename position in the active panel (32/64)
- Fixed: Search dialog: Use better method from forum user "MarcinW" to show dialog maximized without overlapping task bar on Windows 8 (32/64)
- Fixed: Pack with RAR.EXE not handling long archive names and spaces correctly if RAR packer was specified with parameters, but program name not in double quotes (32/64)


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