Total Commander 8.50 beta 3

Christian Ghisler - (Shareware)

Total Commander offers an alternative to the Windows Explorer offering many useful and interesting features that makes it more preferred among the users.

Total Commander is a reference when it comes to management of the files and / folders.

Acting like a file browser, it can quite make the presentation and management of windows. The application includes many features such as copy, move, rename, drag and drop, delete (to trash or permanently) files or folders, connect to FTP servers, direct access to Network Neighborhood, and more. It is also possible to share a large file into several small to gather thereafter filer can handle RAR, ZIP or ACE, for example formats, is also present.

Total Commander can include limiting the transfer speed to avoid overloading your hard drive.

The dual display panel allows user to view two different directories , a benefit that is immediately captures the interest , including copying files .

The software also includes advanced features very valuable as the ability to synchronize two directories , search for duplicates , browsing in the archives (and with many formats unlike Windows that supports the ZIP standard) or the integration of a FTP manager . Plug- ins can be added, as OOSimple Viewer a viewer for the Apache OpenOffice .

Total Commander 8.50 beta 3
File Size:
3.5 MB
Windows (All Versions)
Date Added:
11 Sep 2013
Christian Ghisler
MD5 Checksum:

- Fixed: FTP, Delete file(s) in background would cause an access violation (32/64)
- Fixed: Background transfer manager crashed when trying to add an empty URL, or something invalid like "test" (32/64)
- Fixed: When minimizing file operation progress dialog, hide it explicitly because in some cases, only the main window was minimized (64)
- Fixed: Creating file system links: Failed to copy Volume mount points (target is a volume GUID, not a path). Reason: Must end with a backslash! (32/64)
- Fixed: Creating symbolic links: try to request SE_CREATE_SYMBOLIC_LINK_NAME privilege, will usually fail (32/64)
- Fixed: Copying file system links: Create a Symbolic Link instead of a Junction if the link contains a path relative to the current directory (32/64)
- Fixed: Command line parameters /O /T /A not working together (archives are still opened) (32/64)
- Fixed: Show out of memory error when unpacking from RAR with big dictionary for which unrar.dll couldn't allocate memory (32/64)
- Fixed: Show error when user tries to unpack a deduplicated file (=reference to other file) from a RAR archive (32/64)
- Fixed: Button bar command containing parameter %S couldn't be run as administrator (32/64)
- Fixed: Total size calculated incorrectly when packing subdirs to TAR or TGZ (file sizes added twice), resulting in false >2GB warnings (32/64)
- Fixed: Total Commander no longer started on Windows NT4 (missing functions Module32First, Module32Next used for VirtualPC bugfix) (32)
- Fixed: Lister - Copy to clipboard/Search with Google not working correctly with Cyrillic text on Cyrillic locale with non-standard font and encoding set to ANSI (32/64)
- Fixed: Search - Duplicate file finder - by plugin field didn't work correctly with delay-loaded fields like in lotsofhashes plugin (32/64)
- Fixed: Search - Duplicate file finder - by plugin field didn't work correctly with [=tc.size.bytes] (due to field substitution with default size field) (32/64)
- Fixed: Compare by content, paste text to ANSI file: Convert from Unicode clipboard data on NT based systems, using codepage of current font (32)
- Fixed: Synchronize dirs, compare 2 files from 2 archives with external compare tool, edit both - TC tried to re-pack both at the same time (32/64)
- Added: Separate commands to switch hidden/system files on/off: cm_SwitchHid and cm_SwitchSys (32/64)
- Fixed: "Last access" and "Create" directory timestamps were copied even with CopyAllTimes=0 (32/64)
- Fixed: Alt+F5 pack to ZIP, click on "Background", then on "Foreground" -> instead of "ZIP:", the dialog showed the progress text from the background dialog (32/64)
- Fixed: Background copy dialog: Try to reduce flickering (when using no theme) in "bytes copied" field (32/64)
- Fixed: Delayed copy confirmation dialogs not working correctly with files from branch view when not preserving relative paths, and target already exists (32/64)
- Fixed: Button bar, multiple commands on one button: No working if last command was "em_*" command, contained a ",", and didn't exist (32/64)
- Fixed: Quick search: Changed cursor positioning, so it should also work with Korean (64)
- Fixed: Checkboxes/Radio buttons misaligned in lister search dialog and pack dialog (32/64)
- Fixed: Copy progress dialog: Click on files or bytes copied while paused -> number of bytes copied wrong (32/64)
- Added: Auto re-upload of files on FTP or plugin: Warn user if he is editing a file which was a partial download (32/64)
- Added: Auto re-upload of files to FTP or file system plugin when saved (F3/F4) is now disabled by default, user will be asked on first use whether he wants to enable it
- Fixed: Access violation in function Load/Save in "Find Files" if the saved name was longer than 248 characters (32/64)
- Fixed: Drag&Drop any URL from a browser to TC -> no file list refresh (32)
- Fixed: Packer password not remembered when unpacking with Alt+F9 instead of Enter+F5 (32/64)
- Fixed: RAR.EXE 5.0 expects file names in ANSI or Unicode format, no longer in DOS format (32/64)
- Fixed: The warning exclamation mark background wasn't drawn transparently, so a white background could be seen with some themes (32/64)
- Fixed: Clicking on icon to select a file didn't work in second, third etc. column in brief view (32/64)
- Fixed: Support unpacking of 7zip archive with multiple passwords with F5: The user can try all the passwords until it works (32/64)
- Fixed: Unpack from 7zip archive with multiple passwords - infinite loop asking for the password (64)
- Fixed: Lister, context menu "Search with Google": Not working in UTF-8 files (32/64)
- Fixed: Lister, context menu "Search with Google": Support URLs up to 1023 characters long, was limited to about 230 (32/64)


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3.3/5 from 70 users