Total Commander 8.50 beta 2a

Christian Ghisler - (Shareware)

Total Commander offers an alternative to the Windows Explorer offering many useful and interesting features that makes it more preferred among the users.

Total Commander is a reference when it comes to management of the files and / folders.

Acting like a file browser, it can quite make the presentation and management of windows. The application includes many features such as copy, move, rename, drag and drop, delete (to trash or permanently) files or folders, connect to FTP servers, direct access to Network Neighborhood, and more. It is also possible to share a large file into several small to gather thereafter filer can handle RAR, ZIP or ACE, for example formats, is also present.

Total Commander can include limiting the transfer speed to avoid overloading your hard drive.

The dual display panel allows user to view two different directories , a benefit that is immediately captures the interest , including copying files .

The software also includes advanced features very valuable as the ability to synchronize two directories , search for duplicates , browsing in the archives (and with many formats unlike Windows that supports the ZIP standard) or the integration of a FTP manager . Plug- ins can be added, as OOSimple Viewer a viewer for the Apache OpenOffice .

Total Commander 8.50 beta 2a
File Size:
3.5 MB
Windows (All Versions)
Date Added:
03 Sep 2013
Christian Ghisler
MD5 Checksum:

- Fixed: New tc7zif.dll wasn't included in the installer, resulting in random errors unpacking 7z files (32)
- Fixed: "Compare by content" called from overwrite dialog -> progress dialog was lost (32/64)
- Fixed: RAR with encrypted headers: Archive stayed open when entering wrong password, could not be deleted (32/64)
- Fixed: Save search options to wincmd.ini when closing the search dialog, not only when closing TC itself, to share with external search dialog (32/64)
- Added: Also find text in Apple iWorks documents, except for accented characters - they are stored as e.g. "ü" (support may be added later) (32/64)
- Fixed: Alt+F5 pack file with password, remember last password -> password forgotten after second archive (32/64)
- Fixed: Possible floating point bug in unrar.dll -> clear floating point exceptions after each call to the dll and after DispatchMessage, only load dll if needed (32/64)
- Fixed: "Watch directory changes" was losing some events (when receiving multiple for the same file), so the size of a finished download was sometimes wrong (32/64)
- Fixed: Some hotkeys not working in duplicate file finder selection dialog (32/64)
- Fixed: Some duplicate hotkeys changed, like "As Administrator": d->m (32/64)
- Added: Make option to open launched programs on same monitor configurable: wincmd.ini [Configuration] OpenOnSameMonitor=1 or =0 (32/64)
- Fixed: Search - Duplicates - Feed in listbox - delete some files -> dashed lines below the deleted files were lost (32/64)
- Fixed: Selection dialog for duplicate file finder contained one untranslatable string (32/64)
- Fixed: 7zip unpacker: No error was shown in out of memory condition, e.g. 1 GB PPMD dictionary in 32-bit version (32/64)
- Fixed: Option "Remember last password" caused problems when accessing multiple 7zip archives with different passwords (32/64)
- Fixed: Installer: German umlaut encoding wrong on page where the language is chosen (only on NT based systems) (32/64)
- Fixed: Lister, search text dialog: Do not allow to check "RegEx" and "Hex" at the same time (32/64)
- Fixed: Files - Encode files was failing because target is not writable -> source remained open and couldn't be deleted (32/64)
- Fixed: Verify after copy: "Bytes copied" value wrong in background dialog (32/64)
- Fixed: F5 copy with verify: Could not pause verify step when copying in the background (32/64)
- Fixed: Alt+F5 pack big file, click on "Background", then on "Foreground" -> "Cancel" no longer worked (32/64)
- Fixed: Typos in history.txt (32/64)
- Fixed: Option "Remember last password" caused problems when accessing multiple RAR archives with different passwords (32/64)
- Fixed: Do not remember password for RAR headers (header-encrypted RAR) between different archives (32/64)
- Fixed: Could not open or unpack RAR5 archives created with parameters -m5 -md32 -ma5 -hpPassword (32/64)
- Added: F5 copy, questions asked at end: If there is a dialog within the first 5 seconds, show it instead of postponing it (the user should still be there) - was 0.5 seconds in beta 1 (32/64)
- Fixed: Field showing current path (to the left of the command line) was too high, could overlap the buttons, mainly visible with classic theme (32/64)
- Added: Turn off selection of files by clicking on their icons: wincmd.ini [Configuration] IconClickSelection=0 (32/64)
- Fixed: Double click on a folder icon selected the file at this position in the opened subfolder (32/64)
- Fixed: Select all files with same extension (Alt+"+") not working if extension contained a ";" character (32/64)
- Fixed: Properties not shown for file in TAR archive where the name inside the archive starts with "./" (32/64)
- Fixed: F5-F2 Copy in background (queue) of subdirs would sometimes only copy the dirs, but no files inside (problem with copy mask) (32/64)
- Fixed: URLs not colored in HTML files with UTF-8 encoding when Uniscribe=0 set in [Lister] section (32/64)
- Fixed: Totalcmd.exe and Totalcmd64.exe had missing or wrong version information. Also updated the installer and sfx modules version to 8.5 (32/64)
- Fixed: Search in separate process (Alt+Shift+F7): Search in root was cutting the backslash at the end by mistake (32/64)
- Fixed: Search in separate process (Alt+Shift+F7): Pass location of wincmd.ini if it was set via /i= parameter (32/64)
- Fixed: Search in separate process (Alt+Shift+F7) crashed with Showicons=0 (64)
- Fixed: Allow to close sync dialog at the end of the copy operation with ESC when SyncRecompareAfterCopy=0 (32/64)
- Added: Drive dropdown combobox: Open context menu also with Shift+F10 or special context menu key (32/64)
- Fixed: Right click in drive dropdown combobox not working with option DrivesShowUpcase=1 (32/64)
- Fixed: Background operation dialog: "Foreground" button and files and bytes copied texts didn't use the same font as the rest of the dialog (32/64)
- Fixed: Search function: Do not allow to check incompatible options together, like hex+regex or regex+unicode/utf8/office (32/64)
- Fixed: Some checkboxes misaligned in search function (text search options) (32)
- Fixed: "Search in separate process" menu item not working in English version, Alt+Shift+F7 working (32)
- Fixed: Encode/Decode file didn't support files >2GB (32/64)
- Fixed: UnRAR multi-volume archive, one part missing -> it wasn't possible to abort unpacking (32/64)
- Fixed: Background progress dialog, click on "Foreground": Remember position where window was created, go there again when user clicks "Background" again (32/64)
- Fixed: Background progress dialog, click on "Foreground": Do not un-pause operation if main TC is blocked by other dialog (32/64)
- Fixed: No drive icons in drive dropdown lists (Alt+F1/Alt+F2) when using external image file via drivelib=dll in wincmd.ini (64)
- Fixed: Progress dialog (background or foreground): Click on file or byte count switched from/to remaining only the file count, not the bytes while paused (32/64)
- Fixed: OverrideDPI was ignored in dialogs started as a separate process via /S= parameter, e.g. search, compare etc. (32/64)
- Fixed: Could not open RAR archives with extensions WR5 or RAR5 (32/64)
- Fixed: RAR archives were always opened in extract mode, also when just reading the names (32/64)
- Fixed: Some users had crashes with new unrar.dll -> updated to newer version (32/64)
- Fixed: Progress dialog in foreground and background sometimes showed 0/0 files handled -> don't show field if both are 0 (32/64)
- Fixed: Create CRC checksums, move to back, then to the foreground, then to the back again -> no progress bar (32/64)
- Fixed: Multiple copy dialogs in the background: Could not move more than one back to the foreground after the one in the foreground ended (32/64)
- Fixed: Could not minimize standalone search dialog (Alt+Shift+F7) (64)
- Added: Configure button bar: Append command when command line contains cm_ or em_ command and ends with a comma (32/64)
- Fixed: Multiple commands in button bar (separated by comma) not working if first was user defined command em_x (32/64)
- Fixed: Multiple commands in button bar (separated by comma) not working with numbers, only with cm_x constants (32/64)
- Fixed: Search function: Clicking on button "New search" (only visible after starting search) resized window to wrong height (64)
- Fixed: Command cm_SearchStandalone not working (because new TOTALCMD.INC wasn't included) (32/64)
- Fixed: Search in separate process: Show "Not supported" error when user tries to search in a search result (32/64)
- Fixed: F7 create directory: Cursor was not placed on the directory if it already existed (32/64)
- Fixed: Nag screen fonts not scaled correctly with OverrideDPI set (32)


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