PowerArchiver 18.00.48

ConeXware Inc - ( Shareware)

PowerArchiver is a powerful archive software that allows easily to create archives and decompress them for many formats.

PowerArchiver is a powerful archive utility that can compress and decompress a large number of formats: 7z, ZIP, CAB, LHA (LZH), TAR, TAR.GZ, TAR.BZ2, BH, RAR, ARJ, ARC, ACE, ZOO, GZ and BZIP2. It protects archives with passwords and it can also be verified by an antivirus. It also manages XXE and UUE encoded files and can also create self-extracting ZIP files, RAR, ACE, ARJ, LHA and BH.

An interesting feature is that it allows to decompress multiple files simultaneously.

PowerArchiver also adds extensions to Windows Explorer to extract an archive in the current directory as the name of the subdirectory of the archive (for example C: softwarearchive.zip becomes c: softwarearchive).

PowerArchiver 18.00.48
File Size:
36.1 MB
Windows (All Versions)
Date Added:
20 Apr 2018
ConeXware Inc
MD5 Checksum:

.pa format: lepton and lepton2 update.
.pa format: add rep1 to the wav compression step.
config: skin listing has & in name.
Office icons shown twice in config: interface skin selection.
First config screen text cut off.
Unknown Button in customize classic toolbar menu.
Pasting in explorer mode via CTRL + V pastes twice.
Modern toolbar: changing option in config, PA restarts in classic toolbar.
PA resets to Classic with Office icons every time config options are changed and OKd in Modern interface.
Highlight Archives color is always white.
Modern Toolbar is cut off in Windows 7/8 when starting PA maximized.
Find Archives progress text does not appear correctly.
Password policies length goes into negatives in config settings.
Modern ribbon APPDATE information creates folder with bad name.


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User Rating:

3.3/5 from 72 users