PowerArchiver 17.00.83 RC2

ConeXware Inc - ( Shareware)

PowerArchiver is a powerful archive software that allows easily to create archives and decompress them for many formats.

PowerArchiver is a powerful archive utility that can compress and decompress a large number of formats: 7z, ZIP, CAB, LHA (LZH), TAR, TAR.GZ, TAR.BZ2, BH, RAR, ARJ, ARC, ACE, ZOO, GZ and BZIP2. It protects archives with passwords and it can also be verified by an antivirus. It also manages XXE and UUE encoded files and can also create self-extracting ZIP files, RAR, ACE, ARJ, LHA and BH.

An interesting feature is that it allows to decompress multiple files simultaneously.

PowerArchiver also adds extensions to Windows Explorer to extract an archive in the current directory as the name of the subdirectory of the archive (for example C: softwarearchive.zip becomes c: softwarearchive).

PowerArchiver 17.00.83 RC2
File Size:
37.4 MB
Windows (All Versions)
Date Added:
10 Jul 2017
ConeXware Inc
MD5 Checksum:

Improve text step.
Small usability improvements in calculate memory info.
Memory calculation does not work with advanced selection window.
Advanced add options improvements.
Advanced add window - file list improvements.
Improve loading speed of Add window in main pa.
Use 32px icon size on toolbars at 125 dpi.
Bwt3:qlfc3 adjustment for mt1 usage.
Update to latest F3 engine.
Editing exiting profiles.
Add dropdown to save profiles buttons in add window, with save being default and delete being under dropdown.
Apply updated translations 06.28.17.
Create .sf2 step: use bwt3 codec.
Updated mp3 codec.
Update mp3 codec params.
Non solid and more than one solid block result in wrong ratio and size readings.
Update pam/.ppm steps with ppmd_sh2.
Add window - maximized size, bad looks.
New Feature:
Save compression profile with advanced option info.
Implement ppmd_sh2 instead of ppmd_sh.
Update pgm, s3m step to ppmd_sh.
.78: Stack overflow and AV error when minimizing progress bar during compression thru shell.
Sort field bottom border not showing in light sklns.
D&D into add window.
Memory Usage text cut off.
Using mp3 codec brings up CMD windows and progress bar is minimized.
bwt3 memory counting, wrong info.
Testing dialog stays in back when always on top selected.


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3.3/5 from 72 users