PowerArchiver 15.00.33 RC1

ConeXware Inc - ( Shareware)

PowerArchiver is a powerful archive software that allows easily to create archives and decompress them for many formats.

PowerArchiver is a powerful archive utility that can compress and decompress a large number of formats: 7z, ZIP, CAB, LHA (LZH), TAR, TAR.GZ, TAR.BZ2, BH, RAR, ARJ, ARC, ACE, ZOO, GZ and BZIP2. It protects archives with passwords and it can also be verified by an antivirus. It also manages XXE and UUE encoded files and can also create self-extracting ZIP files, RAR, ACE, ARJ, LHA and BH.

An interesting feature is that it allows to decompress multiple files simultaneously.

PowerArchiver also adds extensions to Windows Explorer to extract an archive in the current directory as the name of the subdirectory of the archive (for example C: softwarearchive.zip becomes c: softwarearchive).

PowerArchiver 15.00.33 RC1
File Size:
31.8 MB
Windows (All Versions)
Date Added:
12 Nov 2014
ConeXware Inc
MD5 Checksum:

* New skinning system new skinning system implementation that lets us skin PowerArchiver much better. 5 default skins included combination of Windows 8, Office 2013 skins, as well as more playful dark skin and Halloween skin. New skins website will be available with more skins and ability to install them through simple doubleclick (.psf2 extension). Classic toolbar still available, as well as classic toolbar skins, for all of the users that prefer them.
* Copy and Paste You can now copy and paste files from and to PowerArchiver main interface.
* Office 2013 file menu more advanced file menu from Office 2013 has been implemented.
* Always on Top lets you force PowerArchiver window to be always in front of other windows
* View menu Created new View ribbon menu, moved some options there for easier usage.
* Join Tool Combine several archives into one. Part of Converter tool.
* Other smaller changes Too many smaller improvements and fixes to list!


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3.3/5 from 72 users