PeaZip 2.6.2

Giorgio Tani - (Open Source)

PeaZip extract, compress and encrypt very easily files and folders offering a customizable, user-friendly and intuitive interface that can be used by both inexperienced and experienced users.

PeaZip is an archive extraction software, compression and encryption of files and folders that supports many formats such as 7Z, 7 -Zip sfx, ACE, ARJ, BZ2, CAB, CHM, CPIO, DEB, GZ, ISO, JAR, LHA / LZH, NSIS, OOo, QA / PQL, PEA, QUAD, RAR, RPM, TAR, Z, ZIP and many other.

Thanks to the customizable, user-friendly and intuitive interface, the user explore the various archives and publish content using the context menu, filters and configuration options. The software allows to edit and save files, restore archiving planes, apply powerful multiple filters to archive that content, control multiple archives simultaneously, export a job definition as command line.

Extremely comprehensive , PeaZip offers the possibility to choose from several levels of compression. Also, thanks to a powerful encryption module will protect your files safely.

PeaZip 2.6.2
File Size:
4.7 MB
Windows (All Versions)
Open Source
Date Added:
11 Jun 2009
Giorgio Tani
MD5 Checksum:

# p7zip backend updated to 9.04 (Linux)
# tightened sanitization of input strings in PeaZip GUI, as security fix against
a class of possible attacks based on code injection (ref: original
submission: To attack previos releases an
attacker could build archives containing objects with nonvalid filenames,
containing concatenated commands in the filename "hidden" to the user by making
the filename very long with spaces to trick users in non reading the latter part
of the name. If unaware users had downloaded such archive and doubleclicked or
otherwise opened the archived file entry containing the concatenated command,
would have put in execution the command (with current user rights). Fixes:

* check file/dir names for:
o non-allowed characters (0..31)
o reserved characters
o reserved file names
o unusual spacing (5 consecutive or more, like in 7-Zip GUI), as may
be intended to trick user hiding real filename
* check command string immediately before execution for:
o non-allowed characters
o reserved characters for command concatenation (|<>), not used by
PeaZip GUI
o unusual spacing


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3.1/5 from 69 users