Feed Demon RC

NewsGator Technologies - (Freeware)

Browse favorite news sites without having to open multiple web pages with FeedDemon, a smart choice for the users that need quick access to their RSS feeds.

FeedDemon is a RSS reader (aggregator) that provides access to information broadcast from the favorite sites. FeedDemon synchronizes with Google Reader account, organizes flows used and also download podcasts to send to an audio player.

In addition, it is capable of displaying different streams in separate tabs, making it more practical to go, and knows to be discreet by lodging next to the clock in the taskbar.

It offers many features classification, organization, filtering by keyword or visualization. In addition, it allows you to play media streams (podcasts).

Feed Demon RC
File Size:
3.8 MB
Windows (All Versions)
Date Added:
20 Dec 2007
NewsGator Technologies
MD5 Checksum:

* Added: New startup wizard. Note that this is very incomplete at this stage - the wording, appearance and functionality will all change before the final release.
* Added: "Import Feeds" now enables importing your Google Reader, My Yahoo! and RSS Bandit subscriptions
* Added: Error log now includes video card details, as well as the URL of the page last browsed in FeedDemon (useful for debugging browser-related problems)
* Added: Alert at startup when automatic updating of feeds has been disabled
* Added: Newspaper submenu added to View menu
* Added: "Marquee" progress bar when synching
* Changed: Thousands separator removed from "Panic Button" options
* Changed: Fixed header removed from reports and Surfer newspaper (triggered too many IE CSS-P bugs)
* Fixed: News item list doesn't always update after marking newspaper page as read
* Fixed: Items marked read by the panic button re-appear as unread in unsynched feeds
* Fixed: Images in newspaper jump to the left after clicking an item
* Fixed: Images overlap border of focused item in newspaper
* Fixed: Automatic updating of synched feeds doesn't work reliably


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2.9/5 from 69 users