Beyond Compare 4.1.4

Scooter Software Inc - ( Shareware)

Beyond Compare is a great tool for those who need to compare the files and folders on their Windows system.

Beyond Compare is a simple utility that allows users to quickly and easily compare their files and folders.

It allows to view the differences between files or folders compared using several methods of comparison such as CRC check, comparison of text, data, versions, MP3 comparison, image and hexadecimal comparison, file attributes, binary comparison, MP3 comparison, and others. It displays items compared side by side or above and below components and highlights their differences.

Text files can be edited with the integrated editor and it is possible to determine specific rules for documents, source code and HTML files.

Beyond Compare allows to upgrade the files, synchronize directories, check the copies of data, or to analyze the differences of the source code files and finally generate reports of recordings.

Beyond Compare 4.1.4
File Size:
19.8 MB
Windows (All Versions)
Date Added:
04 Mar 2016
Scooter Software Inc
MD5 Checksum:

# Notable Changes
- Windows: Added "/32" switch to installer to force a 32-bit install on 64-bit Windows in order to work around MSSCCI source control providers that don't have 64-bit DLLs.
- Windows: Fixed 64-bit build's support for Explorer submenu's Cut/Copy commands.
- Re-added Table Compare support for overriding decimal and thousands separator characters.
- Fixed crash when using cloud profiles (Amazon S3, Microsoft OneDrive, WebDAV) on February 29th.
- Various fixes and enhancements.
# Archives
- Windows: Fixed support for drag & drop of files in compressed archives from various applications.
- OS X/Linux: Fixed support for LZMA compression in RPM files.
- OS X/Linux: Upgraded 7-zip support to 15.09.
# Cloud Services
- Fixed Amazon S3 support for listing more than 1000 folders within a single parent.
- Fixed Amazon S3 support for uploading very large files.
- Fixed support for uploading files larger than 100MB to Microsoft OneDrive.
# Command Line
- Fixed /fileviewer= support for "Folder Compare", "Folder Sync", and "Folder Merge" when passed with folder paths.
- OS X: Fixed intermittent delay on startup when launching using command line tools.
# File Formats
- OS X/Linux: Fixed importing and exporting file formats with helper files.
- OS X/Linux: Fixed support for renaming file formats using right click command and keyboard shortcut.
- Fixed support for .docx files that have internal .xml files using single quotes instead of double quotes for attribute values.
# File Views
- Windows: Fixed "Find what" and "Replace with" edits automatically picking MRUs.
- Improved line details drawing of multi-line content in MP3 Compare, Registry Compare, and Version Compare.
# Folder Compare
- OS X/Linux: Fixed support for moving files in subfolders between file system mount points.
# Folder Merge
- Added "Ignore Same Changes" filter.
# Folder Sync
- OS X: Fixed "Delete to recycle bin" option to refer to trash instead.
# Hex Compare
- Fixed "Find Previous" to not include beyond current byte.
- OS X/Linux: Fixed slow performance when editing.
# Home View
- OS X: Fixed path edits not being refreshed when selecting a session in the treeview.
# Installer
- Windows: Added "/32" switch to installer to force a 32-bit install on 64-bit Windows in order to work around MSSCCI source control providers that don't have 64-bit DLLs.
# Misc
- Windows: Fixed 64-bit build's support for Explorer submenu's Cut/Copy commands.
- Opening multiple modal dialogs on a single form will now open them sequentially rather than all at once.
- Windows: Fixed Windows 7+ jumplist including auto-saved sessions that can't be loaded.
- Windows: Fixed icon scaling for simple message dialogs.
- Linux: Fixed slow startup when there are lots of network printers available.
- Linux/Gnome: Fixed default focus on "Save Changes?" and various other dialogs.
- Fixed memory leaks.
- Fixed clipped text in About dialog.
# Picture Compare
- Fixed "File Info" panel.
# Reports
- Fixed filename collisions when generating HTML folder reports with linked file reports.
- Fixed plain text reports handling of multiline data.
- Fixed Table Compare and Registry Compare support for strike-outs in reports.
- Fixed HTML linked file reports to use the same style sheet, title, and wrap setting as the parent folder report.
- Footer font, header font, HTML wrap style, and style sheet URL are now stored per report type instead of globally.
# Source Control
- Linux: Fixed support for diffs/merges launched from ClearCase.
# Table Compare
- Re-added support for overriding decimal and thousands separator characters.
- Fixed data not to be treated as numeric if thousands separators are not in correct positions.
# Text Views
- "Next Difference" now scrolls line details so the difference is near the left side.
- OS X/Linux: Fixed slow performance when editing.
- OS X/Linux: Fixed support for saving files with Unicode characters outside the basic multilingual pane.
- Windows: Fixed "Replace with" edit showing as selected when the panel is first shown.
# Crashes
- Fixed crash when using cloud profiles (Amazon S3, Microsoft OneDrive, WebDAV) on February 29th.
- OS X/Linux: Fixed Folder Compare crash when attempting to collapse folders while loading with folders being automatically expanded.
- Windows: Fixed crash when showing modal dialogs on 64-bit Windows installs.
- OS X: Fixed startup crash on OS X 10.10.1.
- Linux: Fixed report "Print Preview" crash


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