Beyond Compare 4.1.0 Beta 20431

Scooter Software Inc - ( Shareware)

Beyond Compare is a great tool for those who need to compare the files and folders on their Windows system.

Beyond Compare is a simple utility that allows users to quickly and easily compare their files and folders.

It allows to view the differences between files or folders compared using several methods of comparison such as CRC check, comparison of text, data, versions, MP3 comparison, image and hexadecimal comparison, file attributes, binary comparison, MP3 comparison, and others. It displays items compared side by side or above and below components and highlights their differences.

Text files can be edited with the integrated editor and it is possible to determine specific rules for documents, source code and HTML files.

Beyond Compare allows to upgrade the files, synchronize directories, check the copies of data, or to analyze the differences of the source code files and finally generate reports of recordings.

Beyond Compare 4.1.0 Beta 20431
File Size:
19.6 MB
Windows (All Versions)
Date Added:
20 Aug 2015
Scooter Software Inc
MD5 Checksum:

# Notable Changes
- Windows: Portable installs can now be either 32-bit or 64-bit.
- Improved appearance of icons on 125%, 150%, and 200% DPI scaling.
- Windows: Added support for taskbar jump lists on Windows 7 and up.
- Various bug fixes and tweaks.
# Cloud Services
- OS X/Linux: Fixed loading files/folders with extended characters in their names.
# Command Line
- /fv="xyz" can now accept "Folder Compare", "Folder Sync", and "Folder Merge" in addition to the file view types.
# File Formats
- Fixed "Visual Basic Source" comment definition.
# File Views
- Windows: Fixed access denied error when trying to overwrite a file with write permissions but not modify permissions.
- Border of the viewport in the comparison thumbnail no longer covers differences.
- OS X/Linux: Fixed load errors when trying to set sharing permissions when opening files.
# Folder Compare
- Windows: Fixed copied junctions/symlinks showing as folders until after a refresh.
- Windows: Fixed issues overwriting an existing junction/symlink.
- Fixed sync and exchange action progress bar icons.
- OS X/Linux: Fixed "Compare Contents" dialog not displaying the ?= icon.
# Folder Sync
- OS X: Fixed path edits displaying text incorrectly when unfocused.
- Fixed IPv6 FTP connections to IIS FTP servers.
# Home View
- OS X/Linux: Added support for multi-select in the session treeview.
# Installer
- Windows: Portable installs can now be either 32-bit or 64-bit.
# Misc
- Improved appearance of icons on 125%, 150%, and 200% DPI scaling.
- Windows: Added support for taskbar jump lists on Windows 7 and up. Most frequently used workspaces, sessions, and session types are shown.
- Windows: .bcpkg files are no longer included in the Recent Documents list.
- Windows: Fixed taskbar thumbnails in 64-bit builds.
- Windows: Fixed copying a file in Explorer and pasting into a path edit so it no longer includes leading/trailing " characters.
- Beta expiration date is shown on the Home View.
# Options
- OS X: Fixed scrolling the Tweaks panel with the mouse wheel.
# Picture Compare
- Re-added option to change the background color behind transparent images.
# Reports
- Windows: Fixed printing reports on 64-bit Windows.
- MP3 and Version compare reports now show comparison status in the center column when a node is collapsed.
- Tweaked monochrome reports.
# Scripting
- Fixed scripts failing to run if they used 'smart' quotes rather than ASCII ones.
# Settings
- OS X/Linux: Fixed importing settings from a Linux 4.0 release into 4.1.
# Table Compare
- Windows: Fixed loading .xlsx files with external 2007 table references.
# Text Views
- Fixed cursor positioning on lines that contain multiple control characters.
- OS X: Fixed load errors for files with certain character encodings.
- Removed "Microsoft Write" support.
# Text Compare
- Fixed MS Word .docx files not including inserted text when "Track Changes" is enabled.
# Text Merge
- Fixed incorrect output when using Patience Diff alignment.
# Crashes
- Fixed Table Compare crash when saving as part of a refresh.
- Fixed crash when generating folder compare reports.
- Linux: Fixed crash when detaching text merge output panel.
- Linux: Fixed crash when passing a command line longer than 512 bytes.
- Linux: Fixed crash when pasting into an empty text editor.
- Windows: Fixed crash when using "Compare Versions" in a folder merge containing .exe files that have been added or deleted.
- OS X: Fixed crash displaying Thai text.
- OS X: Fixed ability to launch on systems that don't have libc++1.dylib (primarily 10.6 Snow Leopard).


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3.8/5 from 166 users