Beyond Compare 3.3.2

Scooter Software Inc - (Shareware)

Beyond Compare is a great tool for those who need to compare the files and folders on their Windows system.

Beyond Compare is a simple utility that allows users to quickly and easily compare their files and folders.

It allows to view the differences between files or folders compared using several methods of comparison such as CRC check, comparison of text, data, versions, MP3 comparison, image and hexadecimal comparison, file attributes, binary comparison, MP3 comparison, and others. It displays items compared side by side or above and below components and highlights their differences.

Text files can be edited with the integrated editor and it is possible to determine specific rules for documents, source code and HTML files.

Beyond Compare allows to upgrade the files, synchronize directories, check the copies of data, or to analyze the differences of the source code files and finally generate reports of recordings.

Beyond Compare 3.3.2
File Size:
5.6 MB
Windows (All Versions)
Date Added:
12 Sep 2011
Scooter Software Inc
MD5 Checksum:

* Archives
- Fixed support for extended characters in filenames within zip archives (broken in 3.3.0).
* Folder Compare
- Fixed issues with junction points/symbolic links when loading two overlapping comparisons.
* Hex Compare
- Fixed Find crash when searching for an odd number of hex characters.
* Linux
- Fixed support for comparing GIF images in the Picture Compare.
* Misc
- Fixed crash when scaled thumbnail is too small to show anything.
* Registry Compare
- Fixed parsing multi-line strings in .reg files.
- Fixed support for parsing .reg files with line endings in key/value names.
* Reports
- Fixed generating a report from a script with no files selected so it still includes a report header.
- Fixed mixed file report header (for example, when first selected files are pictures).
- Fixed crash when changing text "Patch" report styles after previewing one.
* Text Views
- Fixed "Find" and "Replace All" not matching the word the cursor is in if "Wrap Search" is checked.


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User Rating:

3.8/5 from 166 users