phpMyAdmin 3.5.1

phpMyAdmin devel team - (Freeware)

phpMyAdmin is one of the most known software tools for the MySQL database administration.

phpMyAdmin is an open source database management system for MySql databases. phpMyAdmin has an intuitive and customizable interface that allows to create, copy, and move any database, edit the tables and fields, execute a SQL query, manage keys and privileges or to easily and ergonomically . It is a clear, simple and above all functional interface that allows beginners to manage virtual database (inserts, updates, and any other changes to databases).

phpMyAdmin supports the formulation of queries directly in SQL saving precious time. It also allows the management of MySQL users and privileges and the stored procedures and triggers.Export data to various formats like CSV, SQL, XML, PDF, ISO/IEC 26300 - OpenDocument Text and Spreadsheet, Word, Excel, LATEX and others can be easily made being a very useful feature.

phpMyAdmin 3.5.1
File Size:
3.5 MB
Windows (All Versions)
Date Added:
04 May 2012
phpMyAdmin devel team
MD5 Checksum:

- [edit] Limit clause ignored when sort order is remembered
- [interface] View name not seen in navi panel (MySQL 5.1)
- [display] Right frame reloads after displaying SQL result(zero rows)
- [interface] Fixed missing Codemirror for inline query edit when exporting a result set
- [auth] Multiple Navigation panels bug still present
- [users] Error in create user + underscore + create database
- [display] Profiling chart shows wrong data
- [auth] JS includes missing in auth config error page
- [display] Missing image extension
- [display] Added missing icons in original theme
- [edit] Query error after search
- [display] Chart title is getting wrong within chart export
- [interface] Header links except 'More' hide after closing dialog
- [interface] "More" actions in table structure
- [privileges] PMA_sqlAddSlashes() does not quote the table names correctly
- [designer] Error messages do not appear in the Designer
- [interface] Suhosin patch warning incorrectly displayed
- [interface] Server status page: Incorrect dialog box titles
- [structure] DROP does not work on defective VIEWs


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3.1/5 from 82 users