ZoneAlarm Free 6.5.690 Beta

Zone Labs - (Non-Commercial Freeware)

ZoneAlarm Free provides protection against thieves, vandals and hackers from the Internet by making your computer invisible.

ZoneAlarm Free is an essential tool for ADSL users and cable modem, providing protection against thieves, vandals and hackers of the Net.

It is a stateful firewall to control access to the computer and the invisibility of the PC for the Internet and potential intruders, placing a barrier between the computer and the network (LAN or internet).
The software ensures that applications like spyware can not send data value to criminals and vandals. Local and Internet zones offers the advantage of sharing important data with trusted people while denying this privilege to others.

The application is oriented to use for novices and alerts automatically when external intrusion is on the computer. It also includes an automatic analysis of downloads in order to detect malicious files , protection against fraudulent sites and improving the analysis of suspicious behavior of the system.

ZoneAlarm Free 6.5.690 Beta
File Size:
13.3 MB
Windows 2000 / XP
Non-Commercial Freeware
Date Added:
24 May 2006
Zone Labs
MD5 Checksum:

What's New

- New! Gamers Mode gives gamers one-click control to prevent firewall action from stealing focus away from game play while still maintaining firewall protection to the PC.
- New! Spy Site Blocking blocks you from accessing Web sites that contain spyware, and blocks spyware on your computer from contacting Web sites to exchange
- Improved! Operating System Firewall monitors program installation, registry changes and file access down to the kernel level. (Now monitors additional program actions for more thorough protection.)
- Improved! Automatic Operation handles signature database updates, schedules scans, and stops malicious spyware automatically. (The update system has been revamped for more efficient operation.)
- Improved! DefenseNet is an early warning system that gathers data on the latest spyware and malware outbreaks from the Zone Labs user community for inclusion in signature updates. (The ability to respond to breaking spyware threats has been improved.)
- Various bug fixes

Known Issues

- Important: This Beta should only be installed on Windows XP and Windows 2000. Windows 98/ME are not supported
- System hangs when install ZASuite over NOD (40400)
- Microsoft Security Center doesn't know about ZASS status (39335)
- YIM-IMVironment disappears after receiving notification (41278)
- SpySiteBlocking: The new sites are not blocked after an update until ZA is restarted or an AS run (41178)

Fixed Issues

- Console window opens during Anti-spyware SRE engine update process (40930)
- Uninstall of ZASS is not possible when Update dialog is displayed (40996)
- Component control is broken (40929)
- Truevector crash (40870)
- ZASuite fails installation on Windows 2000 (40551)
- When AV and AS turned off the client still tries to do automatic updates (40558)
- Upgrade from ZASuite Beta 6.5.666 to 6.6.668 resulted in ZoneAlarm Pro 15 day trial installation (41092)
- Anti-spyware scan doesn't find all tracking cookies (40936)
- Scanning Status dialog does not close (40926)
- Automatic Anti-spyware Update started when Anti-spyware = Off (40925)
- "Site Blocking" blocks access to the all private sites from domain (40876)
- "Updater" window appeared before explorer loading (40806)
- "Updater" window was appeared and hung (40802)
- Spyware scan causes ~7.5M vsmon memory allocation (40760)
- System hung on reboot post install of ZASuite (40626)
- Client startup and shutdown times have increased over previous release (40586)
- Help page cannot be displayed for Anti-virus/Anti-spyware/Spy Site Blocking (40571)
- OSFirewall special protections should be grayed out when OSFirewall protection is not active (41133)
- Spysite Blocked alerts links do not work (41129)
- Letters are cut off in the tabs (41110)
- Clean install option when upgrading 6.5.666 to 6.5.668 does not go through configuration screens (41102)
- ZLclient crash on first start up of ZASuite (41044)
- ZL Client crashes after Anti-Virus scanning (41043)
- During upgrade from 6.1.744.001 ZAP to ZASuite Beta there is a crash during installation (40971)
- AV /AS Update hangs (Not responding) right after ZASS fresh install (40968)
- Only changed sites persist in the Spy-Site list after shutdown (41210)
- IMSecure has been temporarily disabled . It wont work even if turned on IM messages are lost when running ZASS (40582)
- DNSTester bypasses OSFW, APC and gets Internet Access without alert (38434)
- Disable siteblocking when AS is turned off in wizard (41217)
- AS Update should not download SREngine or DAT file when the client has the same SREngine or DAT file already (40991)
- OSFW Global event enforcement persists past shutdown (41095)
- In some instances after installing ZA Anti-Spyware, network connectivity is blocked (40621)
- Help is not enabled from system tray icon (pop-up menu) (40716)
- Anti-spyware / "Scanning Status" --- duplicated strings in 'Detail' box (39120)


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User Rating:

3.0/5 from 85 users