
Cerulean Studios - (Freeware)

Supporting multiple messaging tools on its interface, Trillian became a favorite among the users that need to communicate with people from different network.

Trillian is an instant multi-protocol messaging client. It helps user to complete setting up his account and profile, and supports most protocols: Astra, Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo!, Google Talk, ICQ, AOL Messenger, Facebook, MySpaceIM, Skype, Jabber, Twitter, Hello and the POP3 and IMAP accounts.

Multiple skins and themes are at users disposal as well as all conventional instant messaging tools. This way the user can consolidate all his contacts, regardless of their communication network.

The strength of Trillian is to integrate into a single interface all contacts. To recognize their origin, a small logo of the network from which each is connected can be found. In advanced mode, user can even connect to all networks simultaneously.

Like most messaging tools, the user can initiate discussions vocal line with his interlocutor. By connecting a webcam, user can activate the video chat, the software supporting videoconferencing of discussing with several contacts at the same time.

File Size:
24.8 MB
Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / Windows7 / XP64 / Vista64 / Windows7 64 / Windows8 / Windows8 64
Date Added:
29 Jan 2013
Cerulean Studios
MD5 Checksum:

- FIXED [Contact List] Always show medium icon for metacontact children
- FIXED [Contact List] Default theme should be blue, rather than follow windows
- FIXED [Contact List] Icons show red for idle and don't show red for some dnd
- FIXED [Crash] Fix a crash with auto-joining IRC
- FIXED [Game] IRC and other group chats not appearing in renderer
- FIXED [Game] Minecraft crash fixes
- FIXED [Group Chats] Contact status will be determined without resource name if given
- FIXED [Group Chats] Double scrollbar is seen sometimes
- FIXED [Group Chats] If action toolbar is turned off, nicklist will show (since there is no way to access it otherwise)
- FIXED [Group Chats] "Only flash when my name is mentioned in a chat room" should be off by default
- FIXED [Group Chats] Setting autojoin and other settings may not save properly
- FIXED [Group Chats] Show 'save to contacts' right click option for non saved chats
- FIXED [History] Connection history is no longer saving
- FIXED [Mail] Fixes for mail not showing up for some servers
- FIXED [Message Windows] Dragging in a link should show send button
- FIXED [Message Windows] Hitting home on irc does not go to the front of the line, but front of the full message
- FIXED [Message Windows] If action toolbar is turned off, things are not shown correctly
- FIXED [Message Windows] Stop logging spell check errors in diagnostic log
- FIXED [Notifications] Mouse over should show alert buttons
- FIXED [Preferences] Editing of first and last name in account screen
- FIXED [Preferences] Option to show the status icon or hide
- FIXED [Preferences] Show a "Make new folder" option when browsing for folders
- FIXED [Preferences] Show the send button [ Always | After Keyboard or Mouse Input | After Mouse Input | Never ]
- FIXED [Wizard] Do not show the network wizard for domain users who have policies disabled
- FIXED [ASTRA] Group chats can visually dupe outgoing messages in certain situations
- FIXED [HTTP] Connectivity improvements with corporate proxies and injection of self-signed certificates
- FIXED [History] Auto-history not showing displaynames correctly
- FIXED [Skype] Use displayname when approving new contacts
- FIXED [Skype] Better support for deleting Messenger contacts
- FIXED [Skype] Better support for message history and Messenger contacts
- FIXED [XMPP] Various crashes with nicklists
- FIXED [XMPP] urn:xmpp:timestamp not parsed correctly in MUC rooms


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3.0/5 from 87 users