The Gimp 2.6.1

The GIMP Team - (Open Source)

Process or edit an image is not easy if user do not have the skill unless it is used the right tool and The Gimp is a smart choice for anybody that need to do this.

The Gimp is a graphic program and one very powerful photo editing. It includes all the tools needed to create drawings and all filters to correct and improve a shot. GIMP can be used by users of various levels as a paint program, an advanced photo editing program, a batch system, a format converter, etc The application has an intuitive interface, a display mode in one window and quickly accessible controls. A module layer organization also facilitates the implementation and the creation of complex compositions.

The number of tools, brushes and filters is impressive and will not disappoint Photoshop users. With a little practice, everything is in great.

The plug-in screen capture integrated into "file - create" allow the creation of a "screen shot" including the mouse cursor.

The Gimp 2.6.1
File Size:
15.0 MB
Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / Windows7 / XP64 / Vista64 / Windows7 64 / Windows8 / Windows8 64
Open Source
Date Added:
09 Oct 2008
The GIMP Team
MD5 Checksum:

Overview of Changes from GIMP 2.6.0 to GIMP 2.6.1

* Bugs fixed:

555587 – PSD file crashes PSD plug-in
555222 – PSD Load Plugin: unsupported compression mode
555362 – gimp-remote is not working properly
555280 – some gif files will not be open
554890 – JPEG Save Options Dialog does not remember
554966 – Gimp crashes creating a new image using a template
554785 – Compile failure on uri-backend-libcurl
554646 – Opening Help crashes GIMP with lqr-plugin installed
553534 – centering issues after image scaling and setting zoom
554898 – Compile failure on uri-backend-wget.c

* Updated translations:

Belarusian (be)
Catalan (ca)
Finnish (fi)
French (fr)
Japanese (ja)
Macedonian (mk)
Punjab (pa)
Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR)
Romanian (ro)
Slovenian (sl)
Swedish (sv)


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User Rating:

2.7/5 from 93 users