TeamSpeak Client 3.0.9 (32-bit)

TeamSpeak Systems GmbH - (Non-Commercial Freeware)

Communication in a gaming network team is important and for that many softwares were developed but TeamSpeak is a must since it is very flexible offering may configuration options.

TeamSpeak is a program that allows communication between multiple users connected to the same server. The application is designed to run in the background and is particularly useful in network games. The quality of the transmission and bandwidth can be configured according to the available connection.

The program is optimized for conversations in large numbers ( up to 16 by default). To prevent the arrival of unwanted pranksters, user will be able to protect his "channel" with a password. If user has permission, he can also "kick" troublemakers.

A minimum latency is received in the transmission of voice but there are codecs used to reduce the latency for communication and improve the voice quality. It is perfect for online players to send instructions or information to others.

3D effects are integrated to enhance or change the sound of the voice. The sound may be moved in a three dimensional space. For an online conference, this option helps to further establish the position of all players on a virtual table.

TeamSpeak Client 3.0.9 (32-bit)
File Size:
30.0 MB
Windows 9x / 2000 / XP / Vista / Windows7 / Windows8
Non-Commercial Freeware
Date Added:
25 Oct 2012
TeamSpeak Systems GmbH
MD5 Checksum:

- Changed the storage format of the configuration files to a SQLite database. Conversion is done automatically the first time the client is started, all affected files will be moved to a backup folder.
- Increased Plugin API version to 19
- Added setClientVolumeModifier to plugin API. Min/Max volume is -50.0 to +20.0
- Added getClientNeededPermission and getPermissionIDByName to plugin API
- Added missing plugin API parameters for onUpdateClientEvent
- Added parsing of channel id "cid=xyz" from invitation link. If you also give a channel name parameter the channel id gets priority. e.g.
- Added channel/client search in active server tree with STRG+F but only if the server tree has the focus. Otherwise it is the ordinary chat search.
- Added hotkey switch to previous/next channel (channel family).
- Added hotkey switch to previous/next channel (same level).
- Added hotkey request talk power.
- Added hotkey revoke all and grant next user talk power.
- Added revoke talk power by double clicking the tree icon.
- Added revoke talk power and revoke all and grant next user talk power toolbar action.
- Added host message preview button which shows the formatted message in a tooltip.
- Added Hotkey Gamepad and Joystick compatibility for RAW and Direct Input. Existing Direct Input hotkeys will be converted to Raw Input once Direct Input is activated. Existing Raw Input hotkeys cannot be converted so they have to be reassigned.
- Added date and time to server log ("*** Log begins...").
- Added bookmarkmanager context menu "sort by name".
- After deleting an offline message the next message will be selected.
- Moved possible existing serverquery authlogin and authpassword from ts3clientui_qt.conf to ts3clientui_qt.secrets.conf.
- Added Made in Germany icon in About dialog.
- Chat character counter always located left of newsticker.
- Client drag&drop improvements.
- Added -silent commandline parameter to package installer.
- Package installer stores installed add-ons in addons.ini
- Modified tree behaviour to avoid scrolling up/down constantly on crowded servers.
- Modified chat scrolling behaviour to keep the chat textoutput in place when new messages arrive while being scrolled up or having text selected.
- Added [hr] bbCode support to channel description.
- Added save and restore last ban reason when banning a client.
- Added offline subject and message character limit.
- When dropping many files into chat line the drop text will be just cut off at the end because of the chat line limit. When dropping many files into chat history and the message length would fit into two separate lines, the drop will be accepted. If the drop text is too long it will be ignored.
- Small icons will get extended and centered to at least 16x16.
- Added license display to server info (SERVER_LICENSE for template)
- Extended logging for querying TSDNS SRV records.
- Fixed context menu in channel description edit.
- Fixed HTML entities in plain chat log.
- Fixed embedding local server banner URL in [IMG] tags is no longer necessary. Just drop an image from file filebrowser or type a valid ts3image:// link.
- Fixed connecting to server via ts3server:// link or invitation if link contains a channel name.
- Fixed a reply offline message coloring issue.
- Fixed hotkey compatibility issue with keys "M" and "N".
- Fixed hotkey issue with "keyboard & mouse only" (no keys were captured).
- Fixed display of resized animated banner.
- Fixed possibily blocking ban dialog time display.
- Don't allow negative ban times.
- Fixed icon viewer grid size, which could be broken after uploading icons which don't have the standard size of 16x16.
- Updated b_client_is_sticky permission help text.
- Fixed unicode usage of updater uncompression tool.
- Fixed servericon not updating properly in chat tab.
- Removed legacy VAD option from capture options.
- Clear temporary statusbar message when typing chats, the max characters counter could overlap with tempoary help texts.
- Fixed possible crash when using the -nohotkeys parameter.
- Removed built-in serverquery Window. Future server versions do not support this anymore.
- Fixed max input length calculation for channel description and offine messages when using unicode and escaped characters.
- Fixed group sorting in channel groups of client dialog.
- Fixed saving sort column and sort order in offline messages dialog.
- Fixed that channel description editor only shows plain text.
- Fixed plugin enable/disable checkbox at plastique style.
- Fixed joining servers default channel if bookmarks default channel is full.
- Fixed copying text from info frame if text is formatted with [list] tag.
- Fixed background when dragging files from file browser.
- The offline message dialog can be opened once per server and will act on the servers state.
- Fixed upload/download state after resuming a transfer interrupted by error.
- Fixed transfer state after resuming an interrupted transfer and also the transferred size.


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2.9/5 from 97 users