Songbird 0.2.5

Pioneers of the Inevitable - (Open Source)

Songbird offers a free solution for playing music or movies, having also searching for audio content across websites included.

Songbird is a free media player based on VLC and Mozilla engine, coupled with a drive internet radio streaming (Shoutcast).

It can search for audio content across a wide range of websites offering this type of content and read through a variety of MP3 players (iPod, etc.).

In addition to playlists, upload and library, Songbird offers complete player with add-ons: album art, sync with digital music player (or Apple MTP), playback of protected music (Windows Media playback), alert concerts of favorite artist,, etc.

Songbird has a simplified interface with navigation tabs and bookmarks and a module subscription music blogs.

Encoding videos and synchronization with smartphones are some new interesting features that Songbird is equipped with.

Songbird 0.2.5
File Size:
12.1 MB
Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / Windows7 / XP64 / Vista64 / Windows7 64 / Windows8 / Windows8 64
Open Source
Date Added:
01 Mar 2007
Pioneers of the Inevitable
MD5 Checksum:

Bugs fixed

Preferences window improperly sized
Playlist needs to get sort configuration from property manager
[mac] Nuke the titlebar, plzkthx (or we eat the crashy).
[linux] Nuke the titlebar, plzkthx.
[Win/Mac] Delayed Playback
Resurrect device selection dropdown in the USB preference pane
Collect metrics for remote api
No visible selection in Service Pane
Need events to notify when download is completed
Put a "Report Bug" button in the Control Pane to the right of the faceplate.
Apply general dialog color and layout CSS rules
[Linux] First Run dialog is too small, buttons hidden
last row in filterlist shows all tracks
Copy README.txt to the root dir of the dmg file and position below the app
Resize installer dmg window to fit the new background image and readme file
Leak in tabbed browser
[iPod] Need to add breakpad symbols
Build system not correctly posting Linux32 Nightly
Closing last tab when two present results in exception
Unique playlist can't easily be created in main library
Alerts are bad in sbCommands.xml
Playlist buttons sometimes don't send the click event causes SELinux memory permission error
Undefined entity in globalBindings.xml
after quit and reopen can not play tracks
Servicepane playlist context (right-click) menu shows default
always allow site button missing from webpage api notification modal dialog
Activating 'Location' column in downloads copies custom download columns to other playlists.
Download Column Missing
First Run AddOns List not prechecked on WinXP
Need extension to force a crash for QA
Make simple ID changes to improve compatibility with firefox add-ons
Can't view page source in Songbird.
dogpile broken, remove it.
[Linux] Crash Reporter requires libcurl
Resizing can make the window vanish
Revise GUIDs in sbIPlaylistCommands*
metadata values getting stuck in the column picker (again)
Playlist.xml: Javascript Exception on click
Implement service pane context menu specification
restart songbird button in add-ons is borked
getArtists/Albums/Years/Genres/Playists not exposed
Recompile and upload QuickTime extension with symbols
Drag & drop media item to device does not copy over the file
Crash [@ HashString(nsAString const&)]
Feathers toggle button in the titlebar should not be shown when OS chrome is on
Download button text one pixel low
Update value of extensions.update.url property
Grab fix for Vista Updating in BMO 386826
Parsing error when switching between mini and full player (crash on Mac)
iPod Device causes crash at shutdown [@ sbLocalDatabaseLibrary::AddItemPropertiesQueries]
don't pop media scan dialog after library importer has run
Create an 'MP3 Blogs' extension (DevComm bonus)
[Library Importer] Import library file menu no longer present and parts of dialog boxes cut off.
[Noank] Check for #hideFilters property on library when displayed in sbLibraryPage.xul
[Mac] Make Mac go back to using VLC for default playback handling.
[Win] License Agreement in both installer and first-run.
Search with Songbird for any URL causes reference error
OK button not visible on first run when no network connection available
Web playlist scraper doesn't come up on music blogs anymore should be removed from Search
mini doesn't show when the control pane is collapsed.
First run (no profile) gives a huge mainwin
[Linux] recommended add-ons are not all visible in firstrun dialog
Sort by artist does not return correctly filtered results
Thread Leak on playlist element load (views aren't deleted/culled)
Songbird should load a different home page URL on firstrun
Selected service pane node difficult to read-
Webpage API notification hat missing buttons
Webpage API notification hat needs visde love
combine media item and playlist into one preference / notification type
update Webpage API notification copy and visual design
update EULA agree text to...
Crash on First Run on Linux
Parsing error on load German or Spanish languages
songbird.siteLibrary throws an exception for 'localhost' domain
songbird.mainLibrary.createSimpleMediaList crashes songbird when called from different domain for same list name
Security notification hat no longer shows
[iPod] iPod preference settings don't work
Addons text for iTune library importer needs capitalization
[iPod] iPod preferences not displayed the first time opened
[Noank] MINIMUM_FILE_SIZE in sbPlaylistPlayback.js
[iPod] Bottom parts of iPod extension dialog boxes cut off.
Songbird should notify of shutdown requests before quitting
Found New Media ballon tip obscures media scan dialog via stealing focus
ReadMe file not there for Windows installs


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User Rating:

2.9/5 from 71 users