Password Safe 3.10

Rony Shapiro - (Open Source)

Password Safe is a simple application that manages the passwords in a database offering access to them by providing only a master password.

Password Safe allows you to manage all your passwords and user names safely and only having to remember one master password. It brings all the passwords in a database and the storage is completely secure because the data is encrypted.

This way the user does not have to keep the passwords written on papers, keeping them exposed. It also helps him to have individual password for each application that requires it because having one password would compromise the security of the documents, email accounts, bank accounts, work etc.

Editor's review:

Password Safe is your passwords guardian offering a very convenient way to store and manage your passwords especially if you are dealing with many important accounts that requires remembering passwords. It is advisable to keep in mind all your passwords but if the number of your password overcomes your memory, keeping in mind just ONE master password that offers the access to the rest of your password is a great solution.

Password Safe Editor's pick - Excellent software What we like:

- It is simple and lightweight;
- It secures all the passwords that you need to keep in mind;
- Its purpose is very useful especially when it comes to handle a huge amount of accounts that use passwords - you only have to keep in mind one password;
- It has a clear layout being very easy to use.
Our suggestion:

We suggest to the developer to add to the application the possibility to:
- offer the possibility to select multiple entries simultaneously;
- work on more operating system as at the moment it only works on Windows OS.
We also have a suggestion for the user: not to reveal the master password because all your secured passwords will become unsecure - but this is up to you.

Password Safe 3.10
File Size:
1.6 MB
Windows 9x / 2000 / XP / XP64
Open Source
Date Added:
02 Sep 2007
Rony Shapiro
MD5 Checksum:

[1757110] Toolbar now correctly disables images according to type of entry
selected and if URL is populated
[1758025, 1759364] '-s' option now works correctly
[] Window's position and size now updated correctly
[1768822] Manage->Options->Password History 'apply' works again.
[] Lock timeout after manual lock no longer saves empty database.
[1754566] State of tree view is now persistent across minimize, lock &
[1771357] Timeout timer now reset in all dialog boxes - PasswordSafe
will no longer minimize in the middle of work with an open dialog box.
[1754054, 1754611, 1740704] Items are now fully sorted when "put groups first
in display tree" selected.
[1757298, 1774428, 1609474] Merge no longer loses data
[] Ensure group/title/user combination is unique during text import.
[] During Add/Edit, fields containing only whitespace characters (space,
horzontal tab, vertical tab, carriage return, new line and form feed) are
considered empty fields.
[1751465] Fields containing only whitespace or whitespace between double quotes
are now treated as empty during plain text import.
[1783905] Read-only status maintained after unlocking a database.
[1782407] Export to text file now includes "title", if selected.
[1734220] XML Export line of Notes fields containing CRLF now works correctly.
The default delimeter has been made the same as for Export to a Text file
[1632634] Compare no longer changes database settings when the databases are

New Features for 3.10
[1752896] Add ability to edit an entry's notes field using user's default
text editor via right click on Notes field.
[1750010] Drag&Drop between databases now supported.
[1517048] PasswordSafe can now be installed as an msi package (Windows
installer). This allows site administrators to 'push' PasswordSafe to
client machines with group policy. Thanks to xenophonf.
[1751484] Errors detected while merging or importing a text file are
now described in detail in a log file.


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User Rating:

3.0/5 from 75 users