
Ventis Media - ( Freeware)

MediaMonkey is more than just a music player, being a true music library manager too that satisfy most pretentious users.

MediaMonkey is a library that was developed for organizing and managing the smallest as well the largest collection of audio files.

User can browse and search within the library according to different criteria (genre, artist, year, rating, etc.). Each album can have a wallet with his name and all its constituent securities . A rating for each title is available.

The built-in player allows to listen all types of audio files (OGG, MP3, WMA, VQF, WAV, etc.). Elegant and practical, it will satisfy most pretentious users.

Users can import their CDs and compress on the fly OGG, MP3 or WMA. They can also convert the audio files into different formats. MediaMonkey manages tags OGG, MP3 and WMA. It is possible to adjust the volume and the sound enhancement can be done with the equalizer and built-in effects.

MediaMonkey integrates with Nero to allows users to easily burn a complete playlist or only a few pieces in particular. The application also has a synchronization tool to transfer your the to iPod or other portable player.

File Size:
14.5 MB
Windows (All Versions)
Date Added:
10 Jun 2014
Ventis Media
MD5 Checksum:

# Fixes
* Synchronization
- Can't drag & drop folders on iOS sync
- iOS5+ Sync: Soundcheck isn't synced
- Duplicate tracks are missing from playlists
- Bi-di sync is still enabled for older iPod/iPhone profiles
* Properties/Auto-Tools
- Get Info/Buy: Amazon searches do not work for amazon
- Auto-tag from Web: Only first line of lyrics is shown in tooltip
- Auto-tag from filename: Manual edit of album is lost on mask change
- iPod/iPhone sync: optimize sync time of playlists
* Codec
- F_APE: MusicBee Corrupted metadata locks MMW
- Playback Sync: Switching Audio Stream in video make them out of sync
* Framework: Scripts/Extensions
- (SDBUICommon.fontbold = false) doesn't take effect
* Burning / Disc Handling
- Update of playlists fails during USB sync to Android
- Wi-Fi sync: in some cases MMW returns HTTP 202
- CD Rip: Tweak in secure rip
* Player
- WASAPI: Device Change Detection
- Online stream causes AV (possibly long URL causing problems)
- MM can get to a state when player cannot be used
* Install/Config
- Inaccessible folders: Settings should be reverted to defaults
- Temp Folder: remove reference of MMW temp folder from MediaMonkey.ini
* Other
- Get Info/Buy: Additional Providers
* Conversion/Leveling
- Make preview doesn't work
* Framework: Tagging
- Some M4A/MP4 tags written by WMP or Win7 Explorer are not read


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User Rating:

3.3/5 from 73 users