
Ventis Media - (Freeware)

MediaMonkey is more than just a music player, being a true music library manager too that satisfy most pretentious users.

MediaMonkey is a library that was developed for organizing and managing the smallest as well the largest collection of audio files.

User can browse and search within the library according to different criteria (genre, artist, year, rating, etc.). Each album can have a wallet with his name and all its constituent securities . A rating for each title is available.

The built-in player allows to listen all types of audio files (OGG, MP3, WMA, VQF, WAV, etc.). Elegant and practical, it will satisfy most pretentious users.

Users can import their CDs and compress on the fly OGG, MP3 or WMA. They can also convert the audio files into different formats. MediaMonkey manages tags OGG, MP3 and WMA. It is possible to adjust the volume and the sound enhancement can be done with the equalizer and built-in effects.

MediaMonkey integrates with Nero to allows users to easily burn a complete playlist or only a few pieces in particular. The application also has a synchronization tool to transfer your the to iPod or other portable player.

File Size:
7.4 MB
Windows (All Versions)
Date Added:
21 Nov 2009
Ventis Media
MD5 Checksum:

* Fixed [Burning / Disc Handling] CD labels aren't displayed in some cases
* Fixed [Burning / Disc Handling] Problem when ripping more than one CD per session
* Fixed [Burning / Disc Handling] Data CD/DVD burning can fail when burning also Album art files and an AA file doesn't exist
* Fixed [Burning / Disc Handling] Including .m4p tracks in a burn list causes the burn to fail
* Fixed [Conversion/Leveling] WAV conversion yields artifact near track end
* Fixed [DB/FileMonitor] Add/Rescan aborts with SQL Error (re. Russian characters)
* Fixed [DB/FileMonitor] Expanding subnode takes one minute with filter enabled
* Fixed [DB/FileMonitor] Database fails to back up on upgrade
* Fixed [Framework: Scripts/Extensions] Incorrect DCOM Permission Registration
* Fixed [Framework: Scripts/Extensions] Scripting: Ability to Set focus to UI-controls
* Fixed [Framework: Skinning] Player: redraw is slow after minimizing to microplayer
* Fixed [Framework: Tagging] Unknown RIFF Chunks Should Be Preserved
* Fixed [Framework: Tagging] Adding album art in AA View mode can trigger freeze
* Fixed [Help / Docs / Localization] About dialog missing some credits
* Fixed [Hotkeys] MultiMedia Play/Pause button fails when application is minimized
* Fixed [Install/Config] Change MM version from 3.1.2 to 3.2
* Fixed [Install/Config] Web page doesn't appear on clean install
* Fixed [Main Panel/Toolbars/Menus] Header columns and Track Browser columns need refinement & consistency
* Fixed [Main Panel/Toolbars/Menus] Get info/buy > Google doesn't work
* Fixed [Main Panel/Toolbars/Menus] Tracks in Location node: Remove/Paste functions are disabled
* Fixed [Main Panel/Toolbars/Menus] Minimize / Maximize buttons don't work as expected (regression)
* Fixed [Main Panel/Toolbars/Menus] Enter' doesn't activate menu items
* Fixed [Main Panel/Toolbars/Menus] Columns in filtered views are mixed up
* Fixed [Main Panel/Toolbars/Menus] Sort order isn't persisted correctly
* Fixed [Main Panel/Toolbars/Menus] MM modal dialog focus problems (regression)
* Fixed [Main Panel/Toolbars/Menus] Node sort order is lost after visiting Now Playing node
* Fixed [Main Panel/Toolbars/Menus] Column order gets mixed up after switching nodes/views
* Fixed [Now Playing] CD tracks lose info when playing them (regression)
* Fixed [Now Playing] Sorting in Now Playing is slow for > 10k tracks
* Fixed [Other] Podcasts: Downloads don't start as soon as MM starts
* Fixed [Other] Web node disappears by going into MM options
* Fixed [Other] JumpLists don't work (regression in 1282)
* Fixed [Other] Aeropeek is 'Jumpy' due to seek bar
* Fixed [Other] Jumplist: incorrect icons are used
* Fixed [Other] Aeropeek functions don't work if run as Administrator
* Fixed [Other] MediaMonkey fails to start on WinXP (regression)
* Fixed [Other] Aeropeek: Full size Preview not showing when MM is playing
* Fixed [Player] Unskinned mode: Aeropeek fails to display album art
* Fixed [Player] MediaMonkey can crash when finished playing track (Windows 7 only)
* Fixed [Player] Update to Geiss 4.29
* Fixed [Playlist / Search] Removing tracks from playlists incorrectly updates play order
* Fixed [Playlist / Search] AutoPlaylist with Nested Playlists fail to load
* Fixed [Playlist / Search] Searchbar does not search Encoder and some others fields after Optimize DB action
* Fixed [Playlist / Search] Using Basic Search INS key opens Add Criteria Dialog
* Fixed [Playlist / Search] Searchbar: cannot search by Disk # in foreign languages
* Fixed [Podcasts] Podcast unsubscription/deletion fails to delete podcasts (regression)
* Fixed [Properties / Auto-Tools] Auto-tag window comes to front on track change
* Fixed [Synchronization] iPod Nano 5G FW 1.0.2 doesn't sync correctly
* Fixed [Synchronization] Some devices no longer recognized while MM running
* Fixed [Synchronization] Last time played field from iPod Nano 5G is always in UTC time
* Fixed [Synchronization] Playlist options: 'subdirectory for each playlist type' option is ignored
* Fixed [Synchronization] Crash related to Sync configuration dialog
* Fixed [Synchronization] Configure device dialog can freeze MediaMonkey on non-skinned version (regression)
* Fixed [Synchronization] iPod Synchronization: Lyrics sometimes truncated when updating already existing track in iPod
* Fixed [Synchronization] Some devices aren't registered by MM when using d_USBMass plug-in
* Fixed [Synchronization] AV on refresh device database
* Fixed [Synchronization] Device icon in toolbar doesn't update at startup
* Fixed [Tracklist] My Computer: selecting alternate album art causes initial image to appear removed
* Fixed [Tracklist] Sort order is lost when clicking 'hyperlinks'


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User Rating:

3.3/5 from 73 users