KeePass 1.08

KeePass - (Open Source)

KeePass is a password manager solution for those that have many passwords to remember.

KeePass is a useful password manager software that allows management of passwords in a secure way.
Based on a dual AES encryption , Rijndael and Twofish algorithm - two of the most powerful at the moment, also used by banks- this software gathers all of the serial numbers, logins, passwords and other account numbers in a single interface. It is only necessary to remember one password or insert a removable drive to have access to the password database. It is also possible to generate a key to copy to removable media to prevent the reading of the database if the password is stolen.

The information contained in the database data can be classified into different categories for easy access to the password needed.

The interface has a tree form that is customized to each recreation and password, that can be associated to a web page, a comment, an expiration date.

The software requires no installation, as it can run directly from a USB stick or hard drive so no information is stored on the system to avoid any form of piracy.

Editor's review:

KeePass is a very useful solution for you when you deal with many accounts that require password. You have a smart way to keep all your passwords at your fingers - pay importance to use different passwords for different accounts for better security - just by keeping in mind one single master password that offers access to the rest of your passwords.

KeePass Editor's pick - Excellent software What we like:

- it offers a simple solution to keep all your passwords safe, without keeping each of them in mind;
- it offers great security options using the strongest encryption algorithms ;
- it is lightweight and very easy to use;
- it offers assistance when needed;
- it offers random password generator.

Our suggestion:

- to offer native support for all browsers;
- to offer users the possibility to use on different computers using cloud technology.

KeePass 1.08
File Size:
1.2 MB
Windows (All Versions)
Open Source
Date Added:
01 Sep 2007
MD5 Checksum:

- Completely new password generator; it now supports saving
options as profiles, password generation based on patterns,
more options (excluding look-alike characters, ...)
- Added ability to configure the settings of passwords that are
automatically generated for new entries (open password
generator, choose the correct profile, edit and save it)
- Added option to use the local date/time format instead of ISO
notation (see 'Tools' -> 'Options' -> 'Advanced'); it's
enabled by default
- Added '--exit-all' command line parameter; call KeePass.exe
with this parameter to close all other open KeePass instances
(if you do not wish to see the 'Save?' confirmation dialog,
enable the 'Automatically save database on exit' option)
- Added support for silent installation
- Improved 'Enter Password' dialog (more compact, replaced the
hyperlink by a button, improved texts and descriptions)
- The database name is now shown in the title of the 'Enter
Password' window
- KeePass now shows a warning if it cannot find a database that
has been specified using the command line
- The XML import plugin now supports special characters
- Newline characters are encoded now in XML exports
- Pressing the 'Enter' key in the password list now opens the
currently selected entry for editing
- Changing the database master key now requires unsafe
operations permission
- Added support for auto-typing the following characters in US
International mode: ' " ´ ` ~
- The banner of the 'Edit Entry' dialog is hidden now if the
screen resolution is very low (640x480 or lower)
- New entries now by default get the icons of their container
groups, if the icons do not look like folders
- Changed tab order in various places to the more obvious 'left
to right, then top to bottom' pattern
- The clipboard is now also cleared on KeePass exit when the
enhanced clipboard protection option is enabled
- The quick-find box now has the focus after opening a database
- Added Spanish language for installer
- Improved internal random number generation interface
- Updated file format documentation (thanks to Naomaru Itoi)
- Updated CHM documentation file
- Auto-Type now selects the correct sequence when multiple
entries match the current window and multiple sequence/window
pairs are specified (thanks to ThierryP for the patch)
- The expiration time column menu item in the columns context
menu is translated correctly now
- Entry details view is now cleared after deleting entries
- URL length is not limited any more
- Various other minor improvements and bugfixes


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User Rating:

3.2/5 from 93 users