IntelliType Pro 5.5

Microsoft Corporation - (Freeware)

IntelliType Pro makes the Microsoft keyboard "intelligent" by assigning custom functions to the keys according to the users needs.

IntelliType Pro is a software that Microsoft developed for its products when it comes to keyboards. This application not only provides full functionality for Microsoft keyboards but also allows user to customize the keyboard to suit his needs.

With IntelliType Pro user can customize the unique features of the Microsoft keyboard by reassigned tasks to many keys such as opening a program, file or Web page, performing commands like Find, Show Desktop, or other application-specific functions.

Another custom functions that user can apply to his Microsoft keyboard is disabling keys that sometimes are accidentally pressed, such as CAPS LOCK, modifying keyboard settings, such as updated horizontal scrolling and zoom slider functionality. IntelliType Pro software even offers extended application support, as well as biometrics support for advanced identity management.

IntelliType Pro 5.5
File Size:
7.7 MB
Windows 2000 / XP
Date Added:
04 Jan 2006
Microsoft Corporation
MD5 Checksum:

# New Feature:
* Switched unsupported AxtiveX pages to Retro Mode automatically.
# Fixes:
* Main Frame
- Page Zoom setting did not work in New Session.
* Webkit Core
- Some crash problems.
- It could not login with the specific UA setting.
- It could not visit local pages.
- Incorrect interception of one download link in by Popup Blocker.
- Extra spaces adding problem when used correction feature of Spell Checker.
- It could not enter Chinese in some Flash Apps.
- Invalidation of Mouse Gesture and New Tab in some pages.
- window.onstorage event got triggered repeatedly.
- Initialization failure of File System API:requestFileSystem.
* Extension Platform
- Some interface realization problems.


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2.8/5 from 66 users