Growl 2.0 Beta 20

Growl for Windows - (Freeware)

Growl notifies the user about any change that appeared in the system and displays the information in standardized or customizable options.

Growl is a notification system that alerts when changes like receiving a new email, a download fails, scheduled appointment occur. Very practical, this small application is fully configurable and user can choose which notifications he wants to appear. Finally, the program will automatically load at startup.

The application is compatible with numerous programs such as Adium, Skype, aMSN, Entourage, Vienna , or Cyberduck. Growl integrate technology, most of the time without even having to change anything in the options.

Notifications are customizable: many skins are available, but it is also possible to receive notifications by email, or to be dictated by the application of speech .

Growl 2.0 Beta 20
File Size:
1.7 MB
Windows XP / Vista / Windows7 / XP64 / Vista64 / Windows7 64 / Windows8 / Windows8 64
Date Added:
29 Sep 2009
Growl for Windows
MD5 Checksum:

* improved History tab: added detail view and filtering capability
* added better proxy support, including support for custom authentication (though still manually configured)
* changed the Growl.CoreLibrary and Growl.Connector assemblies to compile for AnyCPU instead of x86, so they should work in 64-bit apps now
* updated the CallbackContext class' interface to be more intuitive and easier to use
* added the ability to specify relative icon paths in growlnotify
* added /silent switch to growlnotify to suppress all output
* removed /cc switch from growlnotify (since it is not used)
* fixed a bug that caused Notification-Callback-Target headers to be ignored
* fixed a bug that incorrectly required setting Notification-Callback-Context and Notification-Callback-Context-Type for url callbacks
* fixed a bug that caused Subscriptions to generate multiple entries in the origin machine's Forward list
* fixed a bug that could cause subscription passwords to show up in the Password Manager
* fixed a bug that could cause passwords to become 'stuck' in the Password Manager
* fixed a bug that could crash Growl if a url-based image was not available
* fixed a bug in the Outlook Add-in that wouldnt show a notification if the email subject was empty
* fixed a bug in the Outlook Add-in that didnt notify on new meeting requests
* updated Google Voice Greasemonkey script to show full SMS or Voicemail message text


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3.0/5 from 73 users