Blender 2.65a

Blender Foundation - (Open Source)

3D modeling and computer graphics are very well done using Blender software, a program that offers a suite of tools for extended creation possibilities.

Blender is a complete suite to create images and animations synthesis. It brings together in a stable and modern interface, powerful tools for modeling, animation and rendering of high quality.

With Blender software, even individuals can get started 3D modeling. As an illustration, the application has advanced 3D modeling functions such as UV unfolding, 3D sculpture, rendering and non-linear editing.

The software supports the creation of objects based on simple shape, NURBS , Bezier curves and other B -spline that will be combined by Boolean operations.

The software is not only for modeling 3D images, it also allows user to create fun little 3D animations which allows to define paths for objects and apply deformations (morphing) using the appropriate skeleton.

Blender produces realistic 3D images. The model image is successful if the program is used adequately. It also supports more than 2000 image formats.

Blender 2.65a
File Size:
33.6 MB
Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / Windows7 / XP64 / Vista64 / Windows7 64 / Windows8 / Windows8 64
Open Source
Date Added:
20 Dec 2012
Blender Foundation
MD5 Checksum:

Thanks to GUP, Notepad++ v4.6 has the capacity to search and install the update package (if available) from Internet.
GUP (Generic Updater) project is made originally for Notepad++. During its conception, one idea came in my mind : if it can fit Notepad++, it can fit any Windows program. Thus the birth of GUP. See : and for more detail of GUP.

Only Installer integrates the auto-updater module (optional). So if you use zipped version, you have to download GUP from its project page, create "update" directory in Notepad++ installed directory, unzip the package into it then edit gup.xml file. To disable auto-update feature (in the case this module is installed), Go the Preferences dialog, uncheck "Enable Notepad++ auto-updater" (located in MISC).


Notepad++ v4.6 fixed bugs and added features (from v4.5) :

1. Add Notepad++ self-update capacity (optional).
2. Fix save file dialog crash issue.
3. Fix the crash issue while the length of config.xml is zero.
4. Change the behaviour : When file is deleted from outside and switch back to Notepad++, user will be asked if he want to keep this file. If he answer yes, he will not be asked in the next time.
5. Change Window title from "Notepad++ - file path" to "file path - Notepad++"
6. Fix Run dialog bug: the executable file won't be executed even it is between the double quot.
7. Add open relative file path from command line feature.
8. Fix the crash issue when open a file which does not exist anymore from RFL (if its path exceed certain length).
9. Fix the bug that the title doesn't be updated while file status changed and updated.

Included plugins :

1. TexFX v0.24a
2. Function list v1.2
3. ConvertExt v1.1
4. NppExec v0.2 beta 4
5. Spell checker v1.2
6. Quick text v0.02
7. Light Explorer v1.4
8. Hex editor v0.84
9. Base64 ecoder/decoder v1.2


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User Rating:

2.8/5 from 88 users