BitComet 0.85 - (Freeware)

BitComet is a P2P client that is running the famous BitTorrent allowing to download files with a less CPU power consumption.

BitComet is a software program developed in C + + that was developed to connect to the BitTorrent network with a minimum CPU power consumption.

BitComet allows to download videos simultaneously, or to queues, that is to say, a download queue, which lowers the risk of losing a lot of time when downloading.

For maximum download speed, the software also gives users the ability to select the videos to download in a package. In addition , you can perform a recovery in the download after an interruption. Other features like chat or disk cache are also feasible with the program.

The software offers the possibility to limit the bandwidth allocated to BitComet in order to continue surfing in good conditions.

Rate settings (upload and download) are generally or specifically for a given stream and there is a discussion module to interact with other users of the software.

Another interesting feature that BitComet offers is that it allows to set the speed of the download. In case the user does not want to download while consuming too fast Internet connection, it may well limit the download speed. Of course , this software allows you to preview the files before or during download .

BitComet 0.85
File Size:
6.0 MB
Windows (All Versions)
Date Added:
18 Mar 2007
MD5 Checksum:

GUI Improved: new option in torrent maker dialog to enable large file(>1MB) align to piece boundary
GUI Improved: new option in torrent maker dialog to allow user search for HTTP/FTP resources when BT downloading
GUI Improved: new option in BT task properties dialog to enable search for HTTP/FTP resources for BT task files
GUI Improved: new history task filter in fav list, in which tasks displayed in the order of download finish date
GUI Improved: improve task delete dialog, able to remove downloaded files while keep task record in recycle bin
GUI Improved: new option in preferences dialog to enable BT task access P2PCache server (need ISP support)
GUI Improved: task created date and finish date are displayed in task summary
GUI Improved: improve task piece graph, support page down using mouse wheel
GUI Improved: new recomment side-bar which can be toggled in view menu
GUI Improved: BitComet main window minimize to windows taskbar, and system tray icon always displays
GUI Improved: if the task name/publisher name in task list is too long to display, it will be displayed in tooltip
GUI Improved: new search toolbar in the top of BitComet passport view
GUI Improved: improve the clipboard monitor, only capture url links of specific files type
GUI Improved: add support for Maxthon browser
GUI Improved: unhide the option of browse url in BitComet
GUI Improved: downloaded file will be selected when open task save folder
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that some HTTP download fail due to missing cookie info
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that hash check of multi BT tasks not running in queue
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that move to other location command in task context menu does not work
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that some particular language can not be input to IE edit control when BHO loaded
Core Improved: add P2SP download function to BT task, able to search for HTTP/FTP resources to accelerate download
Core Improved: add large file(>1MB) align to piece boundary function to torrent maker and BT download module
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that may lead to crash when download HTTP task using P2P connection
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that may lead to crash when an error UDP packet received
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that downloaded file may save fail if unsupported characte in current code-page occurred in torrent file
Core Bugfix: fix the bug about GZIP decode in HTTP 1.0
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that the task created from BCTP link is not properly saved if torrent had not downloaded.
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that unable to connect to some FTP server


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3.9/5 from 141 users