BitComet 0.77 - (Freeware)

BitComet is a P2P client that is running the famous BitTorrent allowing to download files with a less CPU power consumption.

BitComet is a software program developed in C + + that was developed to connect to the BitTorrent network with a minimum CPU power consumption.

BitComet allows to download videos simultaneously, or to queues, that is to say, a download queue, which lowers the risk of losing a lot of time when downloading.

For maximum download speed, the software also gives users the ability to select the videos to download in a package. In addition , you can perform a recovery in the download after an interruption. Other features like chat or disk cache are also feasible with the program.

The software offers the possibility to limit the bandwidth allocated to BitComet in order to continue surfing in good conditions.

Rate settings (upload and download) are generally or specifically for a given stream and there is a discussion module to interact with other users of the software.

Another interesting feature that BitComet offers is that it allows to set the speed of the download. In case the user does not want to download while consuming too fast Internet connection, it may well limit the download speed. Of course , this software allows you to preview the files before or during download .

BitComet 0.77
File Size:
3.5 MB
Windows (All Versions)
Date Added:
17 Nov 2006
MD5 Checksum:

- GUI Improved: add recycle bin to place tasks deleted temporarily
- GUI Improved: add toolbar button, task list context menu item and Delete hot-key to delete task to recycle bin
- GUI Improved: add the function to to capture http/ftp file download in IE
- GUI Improved: add a setting to specify the file types to be captured when IE downloads file in in preferences dialog
- GUI Improved: add "Download Videos using BitComet" command in IE context menu as a option
- GUI Improved: adjust postion of splitters automatically when resizeing main window to keep optimal layout
- GUI Improved: display translated text in status-bar in the language of user chosen when mouse hover in the toolabr
- GUI Improved: dislpay the number of imported urls in the selection dialog of download all links in webpage
- GUI Improved: new toolkit: FlvPlayer
- GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the task list is cleared and not displayed after switch UI language
- Core Improved: add the function of searching mirror site automatically for HTTP download task
- Core Improved: add the function of download video files in webpage
- Core Bugfix: fix the bug that the program may crash when only download partial files in a BT task


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User Rating:

3.9/5 from 141 users