LibreOffice 4.0.4 - (Open Source)

LibreOffice offers an alternative to the office suite that includes all standard applications such as word processing, spreadsheet, presentation tool, a manager of mathematical formulas

LibreOffice is a free office suite free and can easily replace Microsoft Office suite. This office suite for Windows has all the tools necessary for personal and professional use word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, database.

It contains the equivalent of more or less advanced word processor "Word", named "text / Writer" spreadsheet "Excel", named "Binder / Calc" presentation software "PowerPoint", named "Presentation / Impress "Software release" Publisher ", named" Drawing / Draw "and finally management system database" Acess "named" Database / Base ". Found in a more complex mathematical editor named "Formula / Math" formulas.

Entirely based on the source code of, the new office suite known as LibreOfficeprovides a good compatibility with file formats of Microsoft Office 95, 97, 2000, 2003, 2007 and 2010. "Doc and. Docx", in addition to managing its own open file formats. In the end, though lagging far behind Microsoft Office, particularly in terms of the interface and general usability, functionality offered by the office on LibreOffice will prove quite sufficient for most users .

LibreOffice 4.0.4
File Size:
183.1 MB
Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / Windows7 / XP64 / Vista64 / Windows7 64 / Windows8 / Windows8 64
Open Source
Date Added:
20 Jun 2013
MD5 Checksum:

# Bugs fixed
- OOo - docx document crashes Writer when using internal OOXML filter
- PPT export: fix text rotation in shapes
- DataPilot and cell insertion oddity
- OOXML: writer - Frame's background color is not imported.
- recompile cells with #NAME! for English function name option.
- Using function names other than English, swtiching 'Use English function names' from On to Off does not take effect automatically.
- OOXML: writer export doc->docx - page specific footer extended to every pages after exporting.
- display the scaled fontsize in the toolbar.
- legacy diagram import (PPTX).
- fix make animations inside SmartArt work.
- use full available size for pie charts.
- revert "show preset texts in slide placeholder"
- revert '"Fix" '
- initial DOCX import of w:sdt's w:date
- ignore framePr inside table or the table import won't work
- detect whether a bezier shape is open or closed
- testcase: missing <w:tblLayout w:type=fixed/>
- basic EMF+ implementation.
- fix canvas bitmap rendering (argb32 pixmaps) fixes color issue in
- raise warning when saving macro laden doc as a macro-free format
- testcase
- fixed the left margin of bullet
- SwTxtFormatter::FormatLine: fix missing repaints
- [PPTX] Flip gradient fill as well.
- OOXML import: A shape with background are missed when importing xlsx.
- cell validation is not a special (cell) content.
- SwPageFrm: let macro fields have priority over background objects
- unit tests and data for
- use default set of root certificates, if available, when using SSL
- fixes import of Scatternet and Bubble charts.
- (Workaround) Transparent background import in EMF+.
- [PPTX] Axis Labels with percentage.
- stub out some missing XPageSetup api
- implement easy access to the recent documents.
- place ooxml shapes properly to paragraph area
- WW8 import testcase
- charts have mashed axis rendering
- [re-file]Autosave causes Macro change not to be stored on save.
- RTF import: don't ignore page breaks between shapes
- XShapeDumper: Dump more values, to be able to test .
- check ftell return value when emitting Type1 subset
- handle invalid FDSelect entry while emitting Type1
- fix overallocation on 64bit platforms
- handle invalid PFB chunk header
- remove unused member SalXLib::pYieldEntries_
- remove unused member m_aThread from GetPPDAttribs struct
- fix a double free in Sd*Options
- fix check for null pointer
- dereference after null check
- out of bounds access
- resource Leak
- unitialized scalar variable
- use of unitialized variable
- /373: Resource leaks
- resource leak
- unitialized scalar variable
- use of freed memory
- logically dead code
- null Dereference
- dereference after null check
- logically dead code + cleanup
- dereference after null check
- resource leak in object
- use after free
- dereference after null check
- unitialized variable
- related Logically dead code
- destination buffer too small
- logical vs. bitwise operator
- operands don't affect result
- resource leak
- resource leak in object
- fix memory leak
- non-array delete for scalars
- new[] vs delete mismatch
- dereference after null check
- explicit null dereferenced
- dereference after null check
- use of invalid iterator
- missing unlock of mutex
- add missing break
- improper use of negative value
- self assignment
- comparing array against NULL
- fix memory leak
- uninitialized scalar variable
- uninitialized pointer field
- # start to fix mis-pimpl-ification of Window class
- Buffer not null terminated
- operands don't affect result
- logical vs. bitwise operator
- operation has no effect
- copy-paste error
- explicit null dereferenced
- using invalid iterator
- make clear that this is not part of the if
- comparison of array against NULL
- out-of-bounds access
- destination buffer too small
- possible memory leak and memory corruption + docu
- swapped arguments
- uninitialized scalar variable
- use after free
- buffer not null terminated
- unchecked return value
- copy-paste error
- fix copy&paste error
- add missing break
- negative loop bound
- out-of-bounds write
- assign instead of compare
- close resource handle
- string not null terminated
- uninitialized scalar variable
- related move potentially uninitialized scalar variables
- use after free
- missing break in switch
- keep migrating more user extensions after one failed
- Several commands are under the wrong category.
- Layout of User Data form in Preferences too narrow
- Text in frame anchored to top margin not correctly exported to RTF
- cursor visible during Impress presentation
- [UI]: Text in Buttons with "see more double arrow" misplaced
- Link both Ctrl+Y as Ctrl+Shift+Z as shortcut keys for Redo
- a NULL value of float type is not NaN
- Report Builder: all Numeric formats except "General/Standard" of *current* UI language format NULL as NaN
- FILEOPEN/EDITING RTL text: parentheses and brackets "(...) [...]" inverted to ")...( ]...[" with some fonts
- Readme file could be easier to follow - support copy/paste of install commands.
- Printing multiple files from Windows Explorer at once makes LibreOffice unusable
- Help Message Box is not resizeable and doesn't shows all information
- Calc: font display corruption in merged cells containing line breaks when scrolling
- EDITING: Comments added to footer are placed at the right top of the page.
- FILESAVE as .ppt mis-rotates text
- Editing : Justified problem in arabic
- EDITING: Inserting multiple images, one per slide
- Import large HTML table, data gets truncated
- LibreOffice's support of the "recent documents" feature of the Windows 7 Start menu broken
- WMV/WMA/AAC missing in "All movie and sound files" filter of insert movie and sound command
- Possibility to add image captions above the image
- Text and images are not displayed from a docx document
- Oracle Report Builder date calculation error
- FILESAVE: When saving in MSWord doc format, table is put inside a frame
- crash when duplicating draw page with linked wmf pictures
- UI: WEB-View for Form layout no longer available
- Add exported PDF files to recent documents
- UI: Possibility to open exported PDF in a simple way immediately after export required
- FILEOPEN RTF: frame contents (graphics & text) missing when imported
- I: Particular dialogs with preview show useless toolbars
- Change visibility of comments / notes via Notes Ruler Control [UI] [VIEWING]
- Failure to read correct border info from OOXML (2nd edition) XLSX files
- MAILMERGE -> create new address list -> customize -> no scrolling
- Wizards: Java to Python? conversion
- Reduce power consumption: timers must end eventually
- Removal/Replacement of the String/UniString with OUString once and for all.
- Input possible for Numbering separator at AutoCaption in Writer options
- Hyperlinks are missing after closing
- EDITING CRASH when R1C1 conversion (Shift+F4) from relative to absolute
- cppcheck cleanliness
- write tools/ pieces out
- Bloat Removal. Removing uncallable code with callcatcher
- allow (show/hide) comments for selected cells (cell range)
- translate German comments, removing redundant ones
- copy/paste code detector / fixing
- Consolidate GetMsiProperty()
- find / fix all German spellings in internal APIs
- Disable UI "Corner Radius" for custom shape rectangle
- [Feature Request] Support Mac OSX 10.7 (Lion) full-screen mode
- EDITING YEARFRAC function returns incorrect results for some dates
- Multi-paragraph footnotes are not fully displayed when mouse is over the number
- PRINTING shapes with transparent(?) Bitmap background loses bezier curves
- "Clear Direct Formatting" clears RTL directionality
- LOCALHELP: Indentation and colors missing in BASIC code examples
- Deleting entries from user-defined dictionaries does not work properly
- FILESAVE as .doc (MSO97) looses page bottom margin formatting
- Writer FILEOPEN functionality request: add Support for embedded fonts.
- Report Designer Wizard missing Label display and editing capability
- fix windows build warnings
- EDITING: Improve 'Capitalize first letter of sentence'
- Autosave causes Macro change not to be stored on save.
- regression: WW8 nested table import
- Clean up OSL_ASSERT, DBG_ASSERT, etc.
- Replace rtl::OUString getLength()==0 with isEmpty() etc.
- UI: Disable the scrollbar tooltip when scrolling with Mouse Wheel
- some columns are misplaced in table
- Add Unicode 2034 (Triple Prime) to OpenSymbol
- FILEOPEN: Loading RTF files is slow in comparison with LibO 3.4.4
- write out tools' FileCopier class
- FILEOPEN - broken layout of rtf document
- EDITING: Pasting TABLE as RTF from SPSS fails
- test bug for rest api and bugzilla git integration
- wrong behaviour of List "collected words" in Tools > Autocorrect > Word completion
- RTL: RTL table reverses its direction on LTR page
- Update embedded manifest on win32 builds to declare dpiAware
- UI: Delete multiple styles at once
- Adapt UNO services to new-style
- remove unnecessary XMultiServiceFactory from framework
- Add an auto save option (not auto recovery)
- EDITING Copying text with non default bullets corrupts presentation, ultimately crashes Impress
- In SQL mode in Queries, Base crashes when a second SELECT followed by quotes is entered.
- SVG: SVG export does not include hyperlinks
- Mailmerge creates some duplicates with old Mail merge dialog (only for flat text file driver .?)
- FILEOPEN Report with charts fails with Message "Failed to parse the report"
- UI: Menu 'Insert Animated Image' Animation dialog has no Help button
- FILEOPEN RTF: page breaks in otherwise empty paragraphs ignored
- System::Beep() removal
- FILESAVE as .docx (MSO2007) loses Frames
- FILESAVE save as pptx discard crop information
- CRASH when opening biblio.odb via tools menu without Base module installed
- EDITING: OS Clipboard content includes list counter after selecting part of a numbered list item
- Bundled EXTENSIONS RU, EN, HU Dictionaries broken when Python-UNO bridge not installed
- slideshow does not render square gradients correctly
- Shortcut names are not localized on Linux
- Extra, unwanted, Slovenian dictionary (share/wordbook/sl.dic)
- VIEWING: Comments are not readable (shown in white over yellow)
- FORMATTING [accessibility] Tab/keyboard behaviour in dialog Conditional formatting strange
- EDITING: Replace button in Find & Replace Dialog does not search for the next occurrence
- Mean value line starts in wrong place in column graph
- openformula requires error values written as office:value-type="string"
- UI: Sort: can use more than 3 criteria once only
- FILEOPEN: Crash when opening particular RTF document with TABLES
- EDITING: Base embedded HSQLDB needs minutes for first "Go to last record in the Table"
- EDITING: Error bars values become Y-values when copying charts from calc to writer
- LOCALHELP: Icons and text wrong and/or missing for new LibO File dialog
- Libreoffice crash when typing some Malayalam text using ibus
- Ligatures hyphenation bug using graphite font (Linux Libertine G): "ligc" is ignored
- Undoing sheet deletion restores it to the default directionality regardless of the original sheet directionality
- Crosshatching is spilling out of objects when printed/pdf exported
- Draw instead of russian show obscure characters in CDR file (Corel Draw 12 format)
- VIEWING: Text range annotation limited to a single paragraph
- FILEOPEN : Import RTF file but ole are not well positioned in table/cells
- FILEOPEN: particular MSO2007 .docx document is "shortened" (part of contents missing)
- Firefox plugin not recognized in LibO 3.6 (regression)
- Unable to localize key names
- Only en-US help pack should contain en-US help
- [FORMATTING, EDITING] Typing an existing style name into Style box changes hierarchy of styles
- Pictures not rendered and text missing when rendering RTF document
- Too slow to import file with lots of cells with multi-line contents.
- EDITING: Single mouse click selection of element completely drawn in front of selected filled area impossible
- EDITING: the context menu opened out of screen boundaries if (1) opened by the keyboard key and (2) in column A, (3) in RTL mode, and (4) column A is wider than menu width*1.6 :)
- math fonts have wrong line spacing
- autocorrect slow-down
- Pasting a drawing object while another one is selected overwrites the initial one
- FILESAVE: default row heights not exported for xlsx
- Auto correct: Two capitalized letters are not corrected if dash or slash are directly before the two letters
- Condition for hidden section replaced by "0"
- add calc functions IFERROR and IFNA as in ODFF1.2
- FILEOPEN: Drawings are shown at wrong position
- Resizing a cell-anochored rotated object on row height change works weird.
- Regression: Second header/footer of section lost during FILESAVE as .doc
- FILTER: CALC moves some column content to another cell with some HTML file
- FILEOPEN add ogv to video types for import
- WMF contents not shown
- FILESAVE pptx glitches when saving up arrow
- Presentation Console - Need to turn this off.
- Not all personal data imported during install from /3 User Profile
- Crash Using Edit Contour dialog and then changing Configuration
- add calc function NUMBERVALUE() as in ODFF1.2
- Launching .vbs before LibO causes error "Unknown option: -Embedding" and command line help appears
- Cannot save document after editing footer background and border
- LDAP address book support disappeared
- presenter console RTL support needs completion
- key handling broken in dialog Tools > Customize .. > Add
- remove redundant capitalType functions
- EDITING: On computer without JRE, Picture dialog shows: JRE required and freezes after OK
- FILEOPEN: TABLES from particular RTF file imported as plain text
- FORMATTING Page style Default has Page layout 'Mirrored' as default - also for existing documents
- formula mangled when FILEOPEN particular .RTF
- Margins, header/footer spacing imported incorrectly from .doc
- First character before ranged comment cannot be edited or removed
- Replace chained O(U)StringBuffer::append() with operator+
- Localization broken in master
- RTF FILEOPEN import result 2 pages (1 page in LO 3.4)
- LOCALHELP: missing for save setting 'ODF 1.2 compat mode'
- Textbox properties export to PPT bad (Impress)
- FILEOPEN: hyperlinks for shapes not imported ( xlsx )
- Extension CT2N crashes on function Input (from File)
- Not clear which font warning label about TrueType/screen/missing fonts refers to
- FILEOPEN .xls changes anchor of pictures from "Cell" to "Page"
- crash when customize toolbar
- 'Align' Toolbar should have a more specific name
- EDITING: PAGE FORMAT page layout -> Only right -> CRASH
- Base crash when Execute report with a empty database
- crash in transliteration ...
- EDITING: copy and paste of CHART from Calc looses Y values
- FORMATTING: IconSet not working correctly
- Calc - CRASH when using Validity
- RTF: page is not rendered
- CRASH when "Format > Page"
- "enable macro recording" status lost at restart
- FORMATTING: conditional formats can easily be created without a specified range (especially iconset)
- Chart Data Labels not saving in xlsx format
- No sound with statement "beep"
- EDITINGQUERY: deleted distinct in sql view comes back when switch to design view
- FILESAVE: can't save .xls test file as .ods after deleting cells
- FILEOPEN particular .xlsx: "IF" condition not calculated
- Hardcoded product name in UI string
- Extension upgrade fails with error "Cannot create folder"
- Cursor is at Left when Table is converted to RTL in Impress
- FILEOPEN: RTF-filter; Addition of empty paragraphs in table’s cells
- FILEOPEN: DOCX-filter; DOC format formulas embedded in OOXML (DOCX) file, don’t save and don’t edit
- UI: Function Wizard for CONVERT refer to old calc.xcu
- SLIDESHOW not full screen
- FILEOPEN and FILESAVE causes General Error for .odt
- Copy and paste chart fails if the source sheet does not have the default name
- Format Paintbrush default changed to paste character formatting
- Option 'Application background' invisible because 'Document Background' covers Application Background
- Feature suggestion - Impress - SLIDESHOW: allow automatic transitions with sub-second accuracy
- PIVOTTABLE refreshing with date group field crashes
- [Feature Request] Make Find hotkey (Ctrl+F) a toggle command
- Double scrollbar for special characters dialog
- automatic row height does not work after import
- New Locale Data for Sidama Language Submitted
- New option 'Ignore system input language' has no help.
- FORMATTING: Thai number shown as Arabic numerals
- character preview of special character dialog cannot display completely
- Writer and Fax wizards do not work
- Mail merge setting test stopped working
- With some master pages, freezes when try to print
- FILEOPEN: Writer doesn't display all table cells in DOCX file
- FILEOPEN: .ods: error values in array formula result not preserved when cached
- Buttons disappeared in calc
- EDITING: Lack of "fi" and "ffi" typographical ligatures support in auto-correct feature in french languages causes false positives.
- UI: Use more precise wording at 'Find & Replace - More Options - Styles'
- RTF: Tables not rendered (regression)
- paste attempt raises 'unknown source' dialog
- Writer's doc import and export fails to support comments attached to ranges
- Problem with comments attached to text ranges, if the text range is at end of document
- EDITING: Cannot use formula with user-defined function
- Custom animation: only the first line is animated
- REGRESSION FILEOPEN: RTF import doesn't handle list types correctly
- Add spellchecking dictionary for Bosnian language
- FILEOPEN: Inherited currency format not retained through close and open
- Missing second button row in (Polish) Page Format dialog with very long texts in buttons
- missing croatian keyboard layout
- Hard-coded strings in the Compress Graphics dialog
- FILESAVE: .xlsx: new functions (AVERAGEIF,AVERAGEIFS,COUNTIFS,SUMIFS,IFERROR,IFNA) lead to warning in Excel 2013, and IFNA is not accepted
- Add an ability to use Format Paintbrush multiple times
- No padding between options in Font and Font Effect pages (Character dialog)
- EDITING: typed date decreased one day
- FILESAVE: Calc saves Excel 2007/2010 spreadsheet incorrectly
- ERRORMESSAGE: "Search key not found" window title too verbose
- Windows 8 assigned an LCID to Catalan Valencian
- sdremote - deadlock ...
- FORMATTING: Dragging edge in table re-sizes column width of the next column instead of current column.
- Text written with Graphite Font (e.g Linux Biolinum G) Mirrored when the context direction is Right-to-left
- Presentation: Help : wrong shortcut key description
- Incorrect character range for Unicode block "Katakana Phonetic" with GNU unifont
- EDITING: Impossible to fill text into Fields - Functions - Placeholder - text
- [RTF] FILEOPEN: wrong column widths for tables with merged cells
- Counting: choose number of characters for the whole document
- FILESAVE row height export to xlsx still buggy
- FILEOPEN,FILESAVE: .xlsx: import/export Excel 2013 new spreadsheet functions
- FILEOPEN: File containing SVG attached to a connector closes immediately
- FILEOPEN] spreadsheet doesn't show error bars
- doesn't use full nss lib flags, fails to build
- BASIC: oWindow.SetVisible not working WITH WINDOWS
- LO cannot start Fatal error on Mac: lightproof-hu_hu-1.3.oxt clashes with bundled dict-hu.oxt
- Clean up warnings from the Clang compiler plugin
- UI: When undock Task Pane the right-click on Layouts not working well
- Unable to select data for error bars in calc
- Writer behaves erratically when reverse replacing $ with nothing
- Document converter wizard fails to find powerpoint files to convert
- PIVOTTABLE: Calc crashing when using GETPIVOTDATA on pivottable that has automatic subtotals
- EDITING: CONDITIONAL FORMATTING destroyed after copy-paste cell
- add calc function SKEWP as in ODFF v1.2
- Document Statistics shell extension not translated
- Missing ZWNJ support for German ligature handling
- Printer list is missing its border in Print dialog
- FILEOPEN: CSV cannot handle field using embedded tab and line breaks altogether
- "English" should be "English (United States)"
- missing emboleobj library on non-Windows platforms, causing Editing embedded Excel spreadsheet in Writer to fail
- Brackets (..),{..},[..] inverted to )..(,}..{,]..[ when switch to RTL text direction with Graphite fonts only.
- Color of menu items does not update to match personas
- Pictures not saved to .pptx
- type detection for binary XLS format broken on master
- [Template manager] No way to change name of template
- [Template manager] Can not import template after descending into directory
- EDITING: Enhancement request: Page count does not match visible pages
- Impress Remote: Non-English characters in speaker notes garbled
- Invisible mouse cursor in Red Hat Linux 6.2
- EDITING: CRASH when 'Format - Bullets and Numbering'
- EMF+ files rendered as empty boxes
- non-localizable string: Native Numbering
- Formulas not refreshing on document (.ods) opening
- Adapt hyphenation dialog to HIG
- add emacs + vim modelines to all .src and .hrc files
- Send Document as email fails, when application is installed to a directory with a space
- FILEOPEN: pdf file result in a crash
- RTF import wrong shape order and coloring problems
- spelling errors and typos in binaries found by lintian
- FORMATTING: Can't format (bold/italic/underline/...) comment text
- EDITING: Data sort dialog box is bigger
- FILEOPEN, FILESAVE, "Could not save document, error in writing sub document context.xml" then corrupt file.
- 'Save a Copy' command
- Impress remote: fix elapsed time tracking
- FORMATTING: Conditional Formatting icon set provides false result
- Print to File leads to Crash
- EDITING: Find and Replace dialog box fields are inconsistent about selection on click
- FILEOPEN table embedded in ODT: : string-value attribute ignored
- Show Variable field shows no content in Page Header/Footer, Frames
- MySQL Connector build fails on Mac OSX
- FILESAVE loses Fontwork/shape objects
- FORMATTING: Date with [~buddhist] always show the year with 4 digits
- FILEOPEN, FILESAVE create document as odt, save as docx , corrupts
- move libraries to autoinstallation in scp2
- move libraries from UNOLIBS_OOO to OOOLIBS in build system
- EDITING: Table shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Del ineffective cannot delete following paragraph of a table
- Recalculation on load: Usage of cached values conflicting with XVolatliteResults of UNO plugins
- Crash when adding a comment on a cell
- Freeze and unfreeze don't modify document
- Implement a 'stepped lines' feature
- Print dialog ignores saved settings from Printer Settings + more
- CRASH when click 'Add' in EXTENSIONS Manager to open LibO File Dialog
- EDITING: Writer crashes when pasting RTF footnote
- SQL syntax error inserting new record into empty table
- FILEOPEN: Open particular docx result in crash (assertion failure)
- FILEOPEN: Writer crashes while opening this docx file
- VIEWING: Tabtext is displayed outside tabs with gtk oxygen theme
- Wrong entries for Java path in Help
- ACCESSIBILITY: [Template Manager] All key board navigation is lacking
- FILESAVE: [Template Manager]Accept button label should be 'OK' to be consistent with other dialogs
- LibreOffice doesn't remember the setting "Hierarchy" of the Styles and Formatting dialog
- [FORMATTING] New lines (n) in heading paragraphs should not be displayed "as-is" in index
- UI: Function wizard buttons icons broken
- FILEOPEN: Can't open file
- EDITING:Bullet and text overlap in edit view when text font size is increased by using (ctrl +]) shortcut.
- uno.util.Bootstrap.bootstrap()
- broken export of title (metadata) to RTF format
- kill unused FSysFailOnErrorImpl macro
- clean obsolete tools/ filesystem abstraction
- Insert column in a table deforms it, reduces the column size
- UI: Count Number of selected Cells
- FILEOPEN: Import problem: Word docx document with multi-page table
- FORMCONTROLS Modifying column spacing in Writer causes crash
- SIGABRT with debug build in VclBuilder::handleChild
- REPORTBUILDER cannot execute/wizard-create any report: failed assertion SolarMutex not locked
- REPORTBUILDER: all reports fail with Java exception IncompatibleClassChangeError
- Error bars of charts created via cell range in Calc are lost after saving and reopening
- PDF: Error in exporting vector graphics to PDF
- LibreOffice is not "My Project"
- QUERYDESIGN limit window limited to four digits
- QUERYDESIGN limit window: ESCape key does not abort the change
- crash on Tools - Options - LibreOffice - Personalization - Select Background Image
- tolerate pngs with invalid tailing IDAT chunk lengths
- WiFi as an experimental feature not mentioned in app
- FILEOPEN particular .RTF: VIEWING with unexpected character background color
- : Unable to Change Shape Fill Colors
- [EDITING], [REGRESSION], [CRASH] - Using Data | Validity crashes Calc
- Change Presentation Minimizer and Report Builder from bundled extensions to plain code
- FORMATTING: crash when switching between left and right page
- doc/docx auto font color inverted in LibreOffice
- EDITING: comments window in RTL UI not working well
- Impress crashes on setting master pages
- Mid statement doesn't work as expected
- CRASH when trying shortcuts in PRINTING dialog
- Replace O(U)String compareTo with ==
- FILEOPEN .ods created with LibO 3.6: Link behind text lost
- FORMATTING: Crash when loading Line Styles
- FILEOPEN table embedded in ODT: : style BAR not applied to FOO
- Opentype feature 'locl' not active
- Libreoffice crashes after upgrade while using formula bar
- FORMATTING: Cell reference inside conditional format will not move when row is inserted/removed before first conditional format row
- Border Values changes on reopening the format cells Widget in impress
- debug warning fr_LU != fr_LU locales don't match
- FORMATTING: programme crash when applying gradient to Impress master page background
- RTF: Gap added inside tables (regression)
- WIKIHELP: Mention of un-evaluated variable %PRODUCTVERSION on Fontwork_1 page
- Enhancement request: Set default install folder under Windows to LibreOffice
- : Error Bars Disappear in Calc when saved as .xls or .xlsx
- Command line conversion to HTML fails + crash on some platforms for certain document(s)
- FORMATING: incorrect matching of border lines in 'Table Format' dialog for RTL Table
- FORMATING: incorrect matching of border lines in 'Table Format' dialog for RTL Table
- Remove pointless comments and ASCII art
- CRASH when FILEOPEN Tools - Options - Base - Databases
- Missing Default button in Format -> Alignment dialog at Math
- Convert manual refcounting / copy-on-write implementations to cow_wrapper
- error in local help for AutoText macro
- libcdr: cdr import faulty -> Incorrect alignment of the ellipses
- displaying of object groups having subobjects on different layers is broken
- EDITING Word completion: when adding to a partly finished word, word completion ignores the word part that already is there and creates non sense
- SLIDESHOW start slide setting ignored
- EDITING: non editable cells in table when cells are merged
- SVG Export Crashes for Hyperlinks with Linebreaks
- drop "pass-through" header files
- FILEOPEN RTF : table not displayed
- SLIDESHOW: Slideshow does not open
- exporting embedded EMF file as SVG causes mangled svg.
- Too small buttons for text in the Digital Signatures tab at PDF Export dialog
- incorrect/no progression from Database Wizard step 1
- EDITING: image contour editing crashes
- FILEOPEN RTF: Doesn't handle uN keywords with unsigned N
- FILESAVE FILEOPEN Writer does not read correctly its own RTF files with headers and footers
- Update Dutch dictionary to OpenTaal2.10
- replace tools/solar.h macros with osl versions
- avoid packing stuff into zips during build
- UI: Goal Seek - incorrect term "current cell"
- EDITING: value of the property "String" is not set to "" for completely deleted text in Shapes (reappears after 'save - close - reopen')
- race condition (freeze) between "convert macros" and "connect DB" in FileOpen event
- Form recordsource events triggered earlier in BASE
- presentation wizard crashes
- delete button in special character dialog shouldn't delete all
- EDITING:In Calc when writing direction of cell is changed to RTL, text remains left-aligned.
- Images from *.ui files are not packed automatically
- change text direction while editing take you out from the edit mode
- FILEOPEN: .doc style named "Default" confused with default style
- Cut Paste Undo loses conditional format
- FILEOPEN: "Import / open files" forgets the last folder used
- Document dispatcher opens window instead of applying the settings
- EDITING: CRASH when click on contents or entering a line of text
- FILEOPEN: docx import regression: graphic is not displayed
- replace RTL_CONTEXT_ macros with SAL_INFO
- Forced 32 bits java VM even bulding the SDK for a x64 target
- EDITING: subform does not properly get focus on button click or listbox touch; leads to ignoring changes in subform
- Bad alternative hyphenation in Calc (but good in Writer)
- Gallery is missing entries "resource id 6015 not found"
- libreoffice writer's surrounding text support (STS) for Input Methods is not working
- EDITING: 'Autofill - Date - Months' wrong if day of month exceeds max. days of month
- No text appears in Unity menus on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
- [FORMATTING] On an RTL spreadsheet, changing zoom level moves charts
- RMI/SND missing in "All movie and sound files" filter of insert movie and sound command
- RTL sheets: you can't draw shapes from left to right, also the start position are wrong
- FORMATTING: clearcontents in VBA code clears formats
- crash when loading odp
- export of zoom settings to OOXML is broken
- logo toolbar: problems with hideturtle and showturtle
- EDIT:Calc: Outside of editing mode, Arabic text is left-aligned when changing wrt direction to RTL and text alignment to justify.
- FILEOPEN crash opening document with text:p child of draw:frame
- WIKI-help: Double single quotes not escaped.
- WIKIHELP: Help for the printing dialog box is missing
- FILESAVE: Chart with transparent background loses transparency when spreadsheet saved in Excel 2007/2010 format
- Crash when scrolling in the text of a particular ODT file
- Opening a ".docx" document crashes LibreOffice
- FILEOPEN: Crash or General Error when opening a docx/rtf file with graphics bullets
- missing preview in "Insert Index/Table" dialog
- Update Slovak dictionaries
- no SMB . gnome-vfs support
- i18n: add language N'ko [nqo-GN]
- Lithuanian spell checker dictionary does not work [regression]
- SUBTOTAL function fails with scalar as 2nd parameter
- Missing Right Parens in Tools/Strings/Elimchar Function
- Repeat shortcut isn't showed correctly in menu entry
- Writer crash when open Bibliography Database
- Impress loses Custom Animations for SVG imports at save or load
- Database Creation Wizard - Mac Addressbook creation failure
- [FILESAVE] After saving DOCX with Table of Contents in LO - Word shows the page numbers cropped off
- Macros: Is not working properly macro DIR$
- LibreOffice Writer crashes when browsing CMIS (Alfresco 4.2) folders with files larger than XGB
- [FILEOPEN] Opening attached .pptx file crashes Impress
- Vertical writing mode is not functional.
- PPT does not import text in placeholders
- allow autocorrect entries longer than 30 digits
- Unable to start application using desktop menu on Linux
- Header & footer blue tags empty (no visible text)
- crash when loading .doc file
- step1 for IVS-support on WIN platforms: use IVS-enabled fonts
- vcl: improve selection of fallback font by supplying language hint when none exists
- Crash when cancelling extension update
- SRB: "Plot missing options" not respected for line charts
- Impress slideshow mode does not work properly since it doesn't use _NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN
- WW8: Missing EndNote / Bibus fields
- Allow extended clipboard creation
- ORB: report builder not handle correctly NULL values
- Native widget drawing corrupts tree list box content
- embeddedobj: lacking ::ReleaseStgMedium() call on STGMEDIUM object which causes obvious memory leaks
- animations: All animation nodes are leaked
- tools: bezier curve drawing and smoothness
- Fontwork alignment floater is broken
- TextFitToSize item can be optimized
- Filling of combined curves are missing when black and white printing is selected
- unwanted rotation of non-closed polylines
- In Traditional Chinese version, Republic of China Calender's era year is displayed with 2 digits
- Impress forces excessive Xorg utilization and eventually crashes the window manager
- rtl/source/bootstrap.cxx does not clean up memory
- GridControl: Illegal part of row entries is shown after the addRows
-[IT] Not enough space for option description in Calc
- crash when duplicating draw page with linked pictures
- Undo after resize and connector line width change does not resize arrowheads
- replace framework::OUStringHashCode with rtl::OUStringHash
- copy title and desc from svg file to graphic object property when inserting a svg graphic
- Slide Preview ignores Landscape Page Layout
- [non-pro] htmlexpo gallery theme dispayed on gallery
- [From Symphony]White block( on Mac and Black block on Windows) appears if click somewhere else in presentation
- ICU Regex: look-ahead and look-behind are not work well with replacement
- IDL: description about exception of css::awt::grid::XMutableGridDataModel#updateRowData is wrong
- Break and Convert actions in AOO Draw corrupt imported SVG
- Grid Control: selection change event is not triggered when multiple selection is reduced to the one of the selection
- Regression: Writer set table border's line style like "none" during import from .docx
- user directory file size grows to 160mb due to bundled extensions
- Shadow is not applied to chart initially.
- AOO doesn't open documents (forms) in the saved view (web layout )
- ERROR - Flip Menu Window Image Distorted
- xlsx import with chart is not displayed
- Can't remove password from file (regression)
- AOO 3.4 - GridControl not refreshing after deleting rows
- [From Symphony]the shape 3D property effect in MS PPT can't be load correctly.
- [From Symphony]Formula field lost
- [From Symphony]The image OLE's icon doesn't display correctly in Aoo3.4
- [From Symphony]The position of Shape (connectors) in slide is incorrect after save once by AOO3.4.
- Date labels on Pivot Tables are not localizable
- text alignment changed from left to center when importing the docx
- All tables in the sample file are converted to frames, and the display is ugly.
- PPT Import:some bullet symbol different from in MS
- PPT Export: Diagram bullet can not be displayed correctly after saved as *.ppt in AOO
- Under Handout view mode, Header&Footer displays inconsistent with the one presented in MS PowerPoint
- The .xlsx sample file is opened with modified state
- AOO crash if a connector which connected to PPT table
- Arrow style of line changes after save the sample file to a new .ppt file.
- PPT Import:Word Art becomes larger
- [Crash]When save the file as ppt, AOO crashes
- one column is lost if opened in AOO
- Picture is lost when opening sample PPT file
- Item lists are incorrectly imported by Symphony.
- The numbering in table cell changes to bullets when saved in AOO
- a pic in the .doc file cannot display in Aoo 3.4
- One shape's border cannot be displayed completely
- The line indent change after save once by AOO
- Can not open the sample ppt file which contain vb controls in the slide master.
- the bullet color display incorrectly in AOO3.4
- arrow change size and position in MS after save odp to ppt format
- sequence number is not displayed when open docx
- The title text is not Italic in Studio design template like that in MS Office.
- he table border got lost when open the .ppt file in AOO
- Position of drawing obj incorrect when opening .doc in aoo 3.4 if the text direction of the whole document is vertical
- Can't open by MS Office correctly when save sample file contain line with text to ppt format file
- 3D extrusion direction gets lost in MS powerpoint after AOO save as .ppt file
- font size of Fontwork changes from 96 to 36 after save as new .doc file
- Column header can not be displayed correclty in AOO3.4 after open the xls file.
- Vertical letters in "VerticalText" fontwork get horizontal when opening .ppt file
- WMF graphic size changed too small to see if saved by AOO
- the content display mess when open the sample in AOO3.4
- Paragraph indent and spacing between bullets and text are inconsistent with MS word
- MS's Macro button symbol can't correct display in aoo 3.4
- The left-style columns display with the same width when opening with AOO
- PNG export does not allow transparence
- Alphabetical and roman numberals became ditial numbering
- Outline level in sample file lost
- Group objects in table can not be placed correctly
- Macro button lost if save template to .doc file
- Shape shadow lost if load .doc file in AOO
- Crash after delete column(s) from chart's source table, and then adjusted table size
- Additional dot appear after the numbering.
- Save .xls in OO3.4, the rotation setting of grahpic in grouped object will be lost.
- [From Symphony]exit animation changed after save as ppt file to another ppt
- SVG Export: missing implementation for when using GraphicProvider
- animation flash once doesn't work after save the ppt by aoo
- Transparency setting of Fill color lost in cell comments.
- star and symbol shape in ppt changed after openning by AOO
- Animation:Text animation play not correct with sample file in AOO
- After upgrading to 3.4 RTF User Fields are not saving
- all drawing objects lost aftering saving to another ppt by AOO
- Vertical text direction in table cell change to horizontal after saving to another .ppt by AOO
- The graphic background in left table display incorrectly when using AOO open the sample .ppt file
- "Ring Inside" style fontwork display wrongly as a half ring when opening a .ppt file
- Fontwork alignment changes after saving to another ppt with AOO
- PPT Import:textbox lost part of text in AOO
- Shape shadow position changed incorrect if open the ppt doc via AOO
- Shape border and fill color lost if open the ppt doc via AOO
- Import .pptx file into OO3.4, the vertical text direction of the table will be lost.
- only rename the first master page, the other master pages keep default name
- Number formating are changed after save and reopen it again.
- Crash when redo split the pasted table
- Graphic in header and footer can not be displayed correctly
- Removing chart in odt file, it causes a crash.
- Application crashed if undo add caption to drawing object
- Cannot open sample file
- Undo redo insert file cause application crashed
- Application crashed if undo/redo covert nest table to text
- Text outside quotation cannot be paste in cell
- Number displays different from MS with the same format code
- Picture missing when saving ODP file
- Ellipse shape display too large in MS office after save odp file to ppt format file
- Pie chart height becomes greater when open Excel file
- [MemoryLeak]There is a memory leak in function WinGlyphFallbackSubstititution::FindFontSubstitute
- Need press "ESC" key twice to exist chart edit mode
- Application crash when undo "Graphic styles" action.
- Put paragraphs which more than one page into table, some contents are not visibleBui
- the background of the file create from template 'blue_floral.otp' changed after save as the ppt or pot file
- Aoo crash when modify the "Random effects" animation effect's trigger condition to "Start effect on click of"
- [From Symphony] There is a memory leak in function SdPage::CreateTitleAndLayout
- Crash on loading ODS document.
- [From Symphony] There are some memory leaks in function ScXMLFontAutoStylePool_Impl::ScXMLFontAutoStylePool_Impl
- wipe up and wipe down effect works fail in Aoo 3.4,but ok in OO3.3
- There is a memory leak in function WW8Export::WriteFkpPlcUsw
- There is a memory leak in function ScTableSheetObj::PrintAreaUndo_Impl
- There is a memory leak in function SwHTMLWriter::CollectFlyFrms
- Time format is different than MS Office
- Impress crashed when play screen show with sample file
- optimize chart saving to improve xls saving performance
- [Crash]After undo delete text box with animation assgined, edit the textbox will cause a crash.
- Reduce tomcat build to delivered parts
- Cell text direction changed after saved as doc file
- disable antialiased lines for background hatches
- characters at the beginning of each lines in shape are lost when loading the sample ppt in AOO
- Crash when changing a shape background on OSX
- PreventHelpTips is not documented in
- related: better input checks in WinSalBitmap::ImplCreateDIB()
- svg: fill color is rendered wrongly
- Rework SCSTR_FIELDSEP so that it is less error-prone
- Regression: Check for Update disabled by default in AOO 3.4.0 and 3.4.1
- import of special svg picture crashes AOO
- [From Symphony]Connector line does not shown correctly in grouped object
- Copy text to Firefox or Chrome cause data damaged
- Use enhancements from #120498# in calc and writer for editing draw objects
- Gradient of type 'Square' is not always square
- Shape Gradient MS2003 import/export Enhancement
- "Ring Outside" style fontwork display wrongly as a half ring when opening a .ppt file
- Fup to #119443# one point connector line custom shapes with line width are not well handled when used as 3D shapes
- "Save Keyboard Configuration" dialog does not display the file extension for "Configuration" file type
- [From Symphony]Page number in footer alignment changed after saved
- When using scroll arrows w/high-resolution image/zoomed in, scroll arrows stick down indefinitely until the side of the document is reached
- Apache Find/Replace Flaw in OpenOffice 3.4.0
- the text on the Y axis is reversed when export ppt file to PDF format
- httpserv.jar of xmlsecurity is not built in output tree
- square gradient has not enough steps
- the slide content corrupt when open in Aoo
- FrameView object created in SlideSorterViewShell and ToolPanelViewShell constructor is never released
- TextRanger, pBound member obj is not freed
- big memory leak when opening the digital signature of sample file howtouse.odt
- [From Symphony] Animation color is not exported correctly to PPT.
- Loading a document contains textfield objects, the para objects and editengine objects attached to it are not freed
- [From Symphony] Grid size for snake wipe transition too fine
- [From Symphony]"Fit shape to text" property not work after openning ppt by AOO
- Import Graphic Bullets of MS Word Binary Document into AOO Writer Correctly
- Cannot resize AutoGrowWidth text shape in the first try
- brightness of picture in master page changed after save the sample .odp file as .ppt
- Draw delete part of closed polygon on saving
- "Save Graphics..." exports SVG as hex-encoded PNG image
- Aoo crashes while opening the MS Word document
- Rotated metafile looses rotation of gradient in presentation mode and in export
- IDL document contains non-ascii characters
- [From Symphony]Font name Arial in XLS is changed to Arial1 when save as .ods
- SVG file not rendered correctly - style in grouping overrides too much?
- Lanczos3 resampling for Bitmaps
- Integrate useful gallery themes from the Symphony branch
- Add sidebar feature
- Impossible to extend the status bar with extensions
- Allow ThumbNails to have Alpha and use common tiling background in gray and white
- Regular expressions Search for bold word select all paragraph
- Resizing problems in the StartCenter
- Add gradients from Symphony to AOO
- Adopt palette to Symphony palette partially
- some regular expressions fail unless "match case" is also ON
- [sidebar]: migrate line property panel (W,C,I)
- [sidebar]: migrate page property panel (W)
- Incompatible license in "odt2mediawiki.xsl" of Mediawiki Publisher
- hide/view invade whole panel when docked above/below another panel
- [sidebar] Disabling commands is broken
- [sidebar] Table Design section does not display in sidebar
- [sidebar] Unlabeled UNO commands
- [sidebar] "Irregular" UNO command naming scheme
- [sidebar] Dispatching ".uno:NumberType" crashes
- [sidebar] Dispatching ".uno:SwPageColumn" crashes
- [sidebar] autodoc fails to parse com/sun/star/ui/LayoutSize.idl
- [sidebar]: Unify usages of ColorPopups and their appearances
- In Line dialog in the LineStyle tab the line style selection selects the wrong style
- [Sidebar]On properties panel, superscript and subscript buttons do not work as intended
- [Sidebar]A new wording for text displayed on Properties deck when no object is selected
- [sidebar] integrate XML Form document's "Data Navigator" into sidebar
- [sidebar] Bullets and Numbering dropdown dialog can not close, and the status will be incorrect
- [sidebar] Empty panels in some Writer-based document types (XML forms, db forms/reports)
- [sidebar] Custom tool panel extension "confuses" the sidebar
- [sidebar] Selection in number list gallery does not reflect selection
- [Sidebar]Can't load line arrow type after setting arrow type
- [sidebar]Paragragh indent is disable on textbox/shape/Comment
- [Sidebar]Vertical Stacked Status update wrong
- [sidebar] Some items enabled on read-only documents
- [Sidebar] Custom animation UI in sidebar the effect text overwrite when switching between animations
- [sidebar] Allow title bars of decks and panels to display icons
- [Sidebar]Text and Paragraph panel not display when input text in new created textbox
- [sidebar] layouts disappear in Slide Master View
- [sidebar] Crash inserting table in Draw/Impress
- [sidebar] No tab bar button is selected.
- [sidebar] Unable to change an underline style from drop down menu
- [sidebar] Crash on working with groups or multiple selection
- [Sidebar] 2 incorrect tips shown in the bullets drop down list inside sidebar
- [sidebar]Line panel-line color on sidebar will not be blank when select many different color line.
- [sidebar]cell appearance-no dialog pop up when focus a cell and click "more" button.
- [sidebar]text panel-can't set other underline style by side bar.
- [sidebar]when click "more" button in text panel,no character property dialog pop up.
- can't select text in comment of a cell in spreadsheet.
- [sidebar] Improve sidebar UI
- [sidebar] properties panel refresh incorrectly sometime
- [sidebar] The sidebar option missing from View menu
- [sidebar] The underline button in the sidebar does both underline and strikethrough
- [sidebar] Font selection box in TextProperty panel is too small.
- [sidebar] propertypanel.hrc has wrong license text
- improve compatibility with standard STL
- [sidebar] Provide panel for inserting shapes
- [Sidebar] Properties items unsteady
- [sidebar] problems with F6 (accessibility) in tab bar
- A set MapMode does not survive a Push/Pop call pair when mapping is temporarily disabled
- [sidebar] In Properties frame scrolling with cursor <DOWN> past Number Format property panel changes the active cell on of current sheet [ia2]
- [sidebar] Process mouse wheel events
- [sidebar] Store panel expansion state (non persistent)
- [sidebar]: 'Show Shapes' Icon truncated in Navigator Panel by useless grey area
- Navigator contents listing covers bottom of Navigator Heading
- [sidebar] Paragraph content panel - Line Spacing Toolbar, not able to select spacing with keyboard navigation (W)
- [sidebar] Content panel title - no associated detail for annotation when gaining focus (W, C, I, D)[ia2]
- [sidebar] Configuration menu selections not updating push button status of Tab bar objects
- [Sidebar] Slide master layout not changing
- [Sidebar] layout panel empty in normal view/Slide Sort View /Slide Master View/Notes View
- [sidebar] The 'More Options' button in the content panel title has no tooltip and no help-id
- [sidebar] Color controls in text property panel have different functionality from toolbar
- Calc fails transforming galician month's names in format DMY
- [sidebar] page size value not displays as width*Height in size panel in landscape orientation
- [sidebar] Detail menu on the panel title bar is not feature status aware
- [sidebar] deck has no closer when sidebar is not docked to right edge
- [sidebar] undock by dragging is no longer possible
- [sidebar] You can drag the Styles&Formatting window out of the sidebar desk
- [sidebar] Close button does not close sidebar window but docks it
- [sidebar] Hide or disable menu entries for disabled sidebar decks
- remove code associated with psprint::CompatMetricOverride service
- Cell-Select, Table-Select commands and Table-Format command-name
- API: sc.ScCellObj::com:sun:star:sheet:XCellRangesQuery
- Q-PCD Allow installation or modification of JRE via Tools/Options
- Word file that is borked in OO.o.
- User Guide 2 task
- sfx2: Redirect from this document is not redirecting to the specified URL
- Macro Copy Paste does not work from a button
- OpenDocument <text:numbered-paragraph> element not supported on OpenDocument import
- Connector prevents rotation of group of objects
- OOo2.0 rc1 zh_TW build not exist on server
- WW: page background graphic lost on export
- DevGuide: getCppuType -> UnoType
- WW8: paragraph border wrong, thus incorrect Font metrics
- Fields from Endnote skipped during Word import in OOo 2
- Can't Find JRockit JVM
- underline in pdf-exported odt (full-just)-often bleed over margin
- Read Error due to "text:bookmark" inside frame properties
- Presentation Minimizer: missing icon in information dialog
- pls add possibility to find available printers via API (as in File|PrintSetup)
- WW8: Bibus fields in .doc not imported at all
- helpex rename on windows fails
- Data validity works incorrectly with criteria "Allow text length" for numbers
- ODF created by MS Word (with frame/picture in shape) won't open
- WW8: Certain documents with table causes crash during import
- Template:Icoverity comparison of array against NULL
- we overactivate here, as it does not seem to hurt
- disable internal unity integration against glib<2.36
- related: HandleFontOptions crash
- related: HandleFontOptions crash
- Template:Ooo docx export: invalid sectPr added at the beginning of the doc
- poorly named menu entires
- Draw has program associaton
- [pa_IN] English Characters are bad in shape with Punjabi
- compiz and full-screen problems with _NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN from gtk_window_fullscreen not applied
- libreoffice-sdk: adds an extra -O when building extensions
- related: HandleFontOptions crash
- [abrt] libreoffice-core- cppu::createCTD calls std::terminate for unhandled RuntimeException
- [CCJK] [Indic][fix available] Impossible short-cuts keys for 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons in LibreOffice for various CJK/Indic languages
- related: check for GetSelectedMasterPage failure anyway
- avoid null ptr dereference
- adapt rtl::Allocator::construct to C++11
- fiddle with hard-coded neon config.h to support USE_NONBLOCKING_CONNECT
- ICU: CVE-2013-0900 race condition allows DoS
- replace decimal separator at correct position,
- presentation not fullscreen
- and syntax highlighter crash
- related Detect aggregators listening at themselves
- avoid static data (causing trouble at exit)


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