LibreOffice 3.6.2 RC 1 - (Open Source)

LibreOffice offers an alternative to the office suite that includes all standard applications such as word processing, spreadsheet, presentation tool, a manager of mathematical formulas

LibreOffice is a free office suite free and can easily replace Microsoft Office suite. This office suite for Windows has all the tools necessary for personal and professional use word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, database.

It contains the equivalent of more or less advanced word processor "Word", named "text / Writer" spreadsheet "Excel", named "Binder / Calc" presentation software "PowerPoint", named "Presentation / Impress "Software release" Publisher ", named" Drawing / Draw "and finally management system database" Acess "named" Database / Base ". Found in a more complex mathematical editor named "Formula / Math" formulas.

Entirely based on the source code of, the new office suite known as LibreOfficeprovides a good compatibility with file formats of Microsoft Office 95, 97, 2000, 2003, 2007 and 2010. "Doc and. Docx", in addition to managing its own open file formats. In the end, though lagging far behind Microsoft Office, particularly in terms of the interface and general usability, functionality offered by the office on LibreOffice will prove quite sufficient for most users .

LibreOffice 3.6.2 RC 1
File Size:
203.9 MB
Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / Windows7 / XP64 / Vista64 / Windows7 64 / Windows8 / Windows8 64
Open Source
Date Added:
16 Sep 2012
MD5 Checksum:

# Bugs Fixed :
- be more careful in recognizing MathML
- wait for InternalIPC::ProcessingDone in oosplash
- spellcheck context menu contains too few variants
- CRASH hovering over Menu "File > Send" if no JRE is available and MediaWiki Publisher installed
- format ordinal number suffix not auto-correcting
- FILEOPEN - ReportBuilder: existing report with .JPG
- CRASH at startup citing msvcr90.dll after upgrade (most likely related to javasettings_Windows_x86.xml in the user profile)
- DisposedException: EOF reached
- UI: Header/footer prompts should only appear if user clicks in header/footer area
- CRASH when browse to HD root directory in FILEOPEN Template dialog
- EDITING: Paste and Paste Special not available for horizontally adjacent cells to vertical cell selection
- Calc 3.5 Cannot Filter Date/Time Fields from Data Sources
- SPELL The English word "usability" requires the indefinite article "a", not "an"
- Libreoffice Grammar Check returns, "bad article," incorrectly
- Error in rendering of rtf files generated by Crystal Report engine which were previously OK in LibO 3.4.
- [Task] Many crashes when accessibility enabled on MacOS X
- FILEOPEN pptx arrows are shifted to the left
- Problem with RTF documents created using Oracle Report
- Calc FILEOPEN: Regex option in database range filters not saved.
- Ctrl-Tab no longer passes to next Auto input values
- FORMATTING: row height not preserved after FILESAVE and reopen
- FILEOPEN for multiple documents fails from built-in File Dialog
- Writer FORMATTING: During Find&Replace operation wrong part of text becomes selected
- Don't default to desktop pollution
- LibreOffice says that Java runtime JRE 1.7 on Windows is defective
- The "Target in document" window displays hundreds of nonsensical items in bookmarks
- FILEOPEN particular .HTML: 1 twip double borders lossage
- FILEOPEN particular .xlsm: Formula with link to external contents missing if target sheet name contains space
- FILEOPEN: Imported RTF file is incorrect, table in document is corrupt
- shlxthdl_x64.dll/shlxthdl.dll causes Windows Explorer to CRASH repeatedly when Flat ODF file is in view
- Year and Day of date interchanged after input
- [Task] EDITING: Incomplete Date values are no longer detected
- Translations errors should not break the build
- [DE] EDITING: Allow truncated date inputs from numeric keyboard
- EDITING: CRASH when Copy+Paste row with conditional formatting to other sheet and back to inserted row
- UI: FILESAVE as Text (encoded) should offer .txt as file type and name extension
- REPORT BUILDER UI: Unlink picture action in Image control file dialog without effect
- Large UserInstallation's user/extensions/bundled/ tree
- DOCX filter loses shape containing text
- FILEOPEN error reading “Content (TOC)” from a DOCX
- FILEOPEN particular .ods from LibO 3.0.0 shows grouped form fields at wrong horizontal position
- UI: CRASH when edit LibO File Dialog Path Pane
- Segmentation fault from psp::PrintFontManager::analyzeTrueTypeFile with Aquabase-spanish-support
- : FILE SAVE AS: Can not edit read-only file after SAVE AS
- FILEOPEN "CSV" import not correctly recognizing space and text field delimiters, i.e. web log file
- CRASH - using search function in built-in help causes crash
- LO 3.6 crashes when saving complex ods as xls
- Crash cutting or dragging block
- Word count inconsistent and wrong with non-breaking space
- Calc crashes when opening this .xlsb
- shlxthdl_x64.dll/shlxthdl.dll causes Windows Explorer to CRASH when corrupted ODF file is in view
- CRASH - Form based on query with calculated field crashes Base
- Open document file preview will block windows explorer for several seconds everytime a document is selected
- FILEOPEN Mouse cursor over Base Icon in XP causes Explorer crash
- PIVOTTABLE from Datasource (Base, Query) shows wrong results
- : Install 3.6.1 RC 1 on 3.6.0 RC4, causes crash on startup
- CRASH: trying to open Lotus 123 files causes LO to crash
- CRASH when insert row in particular document
- CRASH - opening database report
- filter *always* treats string literals as LIKE patterns
- gbuildified connectivity does not rebuild enough after sqlbison.y modified
- PIVOTTABLE: incorrect aggregation of values (worked in
- EDITING: CRASH when updating a pivot table if source database not available
- LO does not start; unable to remove file from bundled extensions cache
- EDITING: SIGABRT on Sort Selection by Column
- Crash on Command-D on Mac OS X Mountain Lion 10.8
- FILEOPEN: specific XLS (Office 2003) file crashes LibO 3.6
- Evolution address book datasource inactive
- debug build crashy (failed assertion) when typing text; icu 4.4.X, locale-specific ordinal autocorrect. Esp notable with fr_LU
- PDF A/1-a export broken: forbidden ICC profile version
- Writer EDITING: CRASH when merging cells in table [backtrace with symbols attached]
- FILEOPEN shows all charts anchored to page moved at the top left corner of the sheet
- Some basic opcodes are ignored
- In VBA mode ActiveDocument is not tracking currently selected document
- vcl: crash parsing (broken) Aquabase-spanish-support.ttf
- When hovered over a footnote reference in the text, footnotes appear in one line regardless of the length of footnote
- Leave / return cursor to original position after Find & Replace All


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3.9/5 from 71 users